Course details

As a result of studying these subjects, you will be able to resolve conflicts more quickly and fairly, and negotiate better, win win agreements that help you and your organization be more successful by building more sustainable relationships.

Negotiation is a dialogue between two or more people or parties, intended to reach an understanding, resolve point of difference, or gain advantage in outcome of dialogue Negotiation is a process where each party involved in negotiating tries to gain an advantage for themselves by the end of the process.

What You Will Learn

  • What you see is only +p of the iceberg Probe beneath the surface
  • Individual and Organizaton needs must be considered;
  • Seek Common Ground. Effec+ve use of ques+ons Building Trust and Rapport
  • Know your BATNA
  • Process for diagnosing needs:

  • Diagnose the other par+es:
  • Organizational


    Gather informaton: Business Intelligence

  • Publications (magazine, ezines, news papers, etc.)
  • Media (TV, Radio, Facebook, LinkedIn,etc.)
  • Trading partners (Channels, agents, reps, etc.)
  • Directly (colleagues, 'gate keepers', etc.)
  • Other?
  • This certification testifies that you wish to be more capable negotiator personally and professionally.

    Practice and advanced coursework will ensure you continue to improve

    Updated on 02 April, 2018
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