NEBOSH International General Certificate in OHS Avanta Academy
Price: SGD 1,500
  • Location: Singapore
  • Duration: 92 Hours
  • Timings: Part Time, Weekends

    Course details

    Achieve recognition for your health and safety skills and knowledge anywhere in the world with the NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety.

    The NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety qualification gives a good foundation in health and safety for managers, supervisors and staff with health and safety among their day to day responsibilities.
    1. Management of international health and safety (IGC1)
    2. Control of international workplace hazards (GC2)
    3. International health and safety practical application (GC3)
    The NEBOSH International General Certificate is also suitable for those embarking on a career in health and safety, providing a sound basis for progression on to the NEBOSH International ;
    Updated on 06 February, 2020

    Eligibility / Requirements

    • Academic Level: GCE ‘O’ Levels Pass in English and Maths
    • Language Proficiency: WPLN Level 6
    • Work experience: 3-4 years

    Job titles this course is suitable for

    Health & Safety Executive , Health & Safety Officer

    About Avanta Academy

    Avanta Academy was established in Singapore under the wings of dedicated lecturers and a team.

    As a local academy, Avanta Academy has grown humbly receiving recognition and accreditations by international and local bodies, boasting spacious and impressive classrooms for students, at the center of Singapore just a few miles away from the City’s amenities.

    Avanta Academy maps our students with the essential knowledge and skills through our unique bevy of courses in Food and Beverage Management, Tourism & Hospitality Management, Safety and Health in Workplaces, Engineering and Design related fields.

    The flexibility of courses on offer at Avanta Academy coupled with the renowned international accreditation at an affordable price has resulted in a steady increase in student enrolment.

    With highly resourceful lecturers, the knowledge and progress rendered at Avanta Academy will satisfy the need of each and every student.  Avanta Academy is committed to educate with interactive and flexible knowledge sharing and establish as a national and regional academy for students.

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