NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety SQT Training Ltd
Price: AED 9,799

    Course details

    The NEBOSH approved International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety provides an unrivalled opportunity to demonstrate competence in Health and Safety issues relevant to your place of work. This course has been designed to provide an appropriate breadth of underpinning knowledge for non-specialists in occupational health and safety working in an international context, to enable them to discharge more effectively their organisational duties or functions with respect to workplace health and safety. It has been designed for managers, supervisors, employee representatives and others who require a basic knowledge and understanding of occupational health and safety.

    Course Programme (January 2013 syllabus)

    The course consists of 3 units:

    • Unit IGC1 Management of international health and safety
    • Unit IGC2 Control of workplace hazards
    • Unit ICG3 Health and safety practical application

    The following gives a breakdown of each unit:

    Unit IG1 Management of International Health and Safety

    • Foundations in Health and Safety
    • Health and Safety Management Systems – Policy
    • Health and Safety Management Systems – Organising
    • Health and Safety Management Systems – Planning
    • Health and Safety Management Systems – Measuring, audit and review

    Unit IG2 Control of Workplace Hazards

    • Workplace hazards and risk control
    • Transport hazards and risk control
    • Musculoskeletal hazards and risk control
    • Work equipment hazards and risk control
    • Electrical safety
    • Fire safety
    • Chemical and biological health hazards and risk control
    • Physical and psychological health hazards and risk control

    Unit IG3 Health and Safety Practical Application

    • Further information including the detailed course syllabus, is available on the NEBOSH website..

    Learning Outcomes

    On successful completion of this training course, delegates should be able to:

    • Have a broad understanding and knowledge of health and safety principles and practice
    • Effectively discharge workplace health and safety responsibilities in any employment sector in any part of the world.
    • Have a sound basis for progression to the NEBOSH International Diploma.

    Detailed learning outcomes for the programme are included here

    Course Accreditation/Registration/Assessment

    Certificate students need to register with a NEBOSH approved centre to sit their exams. (SQT is a NEBOSH Approved Centre 551).

    The assessment process for delegates consists of an examination (2 papers; IGC1 and IGC2), both of which are taken on the same day and each lasts 2 hours. In addition there is a practical health and safety assessment of a workplace, (IGC3). Delegates must achieve the pass standard in both examination papers and in the practical assessment to be awarded the International General Certificate.

    Please note that NEBOSH have a Reasonable Adjustments and Special Consideration Policy

    There are two NEBOSH examinations dates; June and December.

    Unit IGC3 is carried out in the delegate’s own workplace. The aim of the practical assessment is to test your ability to complete a health & safety assessment of a workplace. It requires you to carry out, unaided, a safety inspection of a workplace, and then prepare a report that persuasively urges management to take appropriate action.

    Updated on 08 November, 2015

    About SQT Training Ltd

    Established in 1989, They have built up a solid reputation for excellence in training cThiryse delivery

    They offer one of the broadest ranges of training cThiryses available in Ireland

    They have a team of over 30 very experienced tutors who are known national and international experts in their field

    Thiry Tutors have proven technical expertise, practical hands-on experience and excellent cThiryse delivery skills

    Thiry cThiryses are practical, utilising multiple teaching styles to cater for the varied needs of adult learners

    CThiryses range from half-day sessions up to Level 8 on the National Framework of Qualifications, (HonThirys Bachelor Degree level)

    They offer cThiryses accredited by HETAC, FETAC, NEBOSH, IRCA, IEMA, CIEH, IOSH and AEE.

    They have a dedicated cThiryse team managing every aspect of yThiry cThiryse from initial contact right through to post-cThiryse follow-up

    When you book a cThiryse with SQT, you are benefiting from Thiry years of experience, Thiry breath of knowledge and Thiry commitment to work hard to meet yThiry specific training needs.

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