Udemy Music Production + Audio in Garageband - The Complete Course Udemy
Price: AED 349

    Course details

    Garageband is the leading free Digital Audio Work Station for Apple Mac users and it's used across the world. Learning how to use your DAW correctly will dramatically improve the quality of your music and the speed you create it.

    NOTE: This course is for Mac users only and you must have access to Garageband and a Apple Mac to use it.

    In this course you will gain a basic understanding of Garageband and how to use it to create your own music. 

    This course will cover such topics as Making Music with Software Instruments, Recording a Microphone, Songwriting and Arranging Tips, Navigating around Garageband, Apple Loops, The Drummer Instruments, Export and more!

    What you'll learn in this course will make you a better music producer, and give you a basic understanding of Garageband and all other Digital Audio Workstations!

    Learn to love Logic Pro X and make music with it. 

    This course was last updated on 01/07/2017

    Updated on 29 March, 2018
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