Course details

The Programme comprises two qualifications: the Graduate Diploma and the Master of Science. The Graduate Diploma Programme
consists of 6 courses designed to provide the student with the contextual framework and a set of analytical and quantitative skills essential to the successful management of complex land transport systems in cities around the world.
The Master Programme provides the student with advanced training in transport management, planning, system implementation and other specialized areas, emphasizing a sustainable approach to the development of liveable cities. The Industrial Attachment requirementprovides the student with an opportunity to be immersed in a land transport or related organisation and allows the student to experience first-hand how some of the concepts learnt from the different courses are manifested in the day-to-day operation and management of land transport systems. An essential component of the Master Programme
is the project requirement. It provides the student with an opportunity to tackle real-world problems and to gain additional insights and competencies through independent work. Students are required to identify land transport issues that are of direct interest to them, and to analyse and formulate effective solutions to address these issues.

Course Structure

Urban Transport Context
Quantitative Analysis in Transport
Transport Economics
Integrated Transport Policy
Public Transport Management
Traffic and Congestion Management
Sustainable Land Use and Transport Planning
Sustainable Development
INfrastructure Financing and Project Planning
Special Topics in Transportation
2-Week Industrial Attachment
Urban Transport Project

Updated on 08 November, 2015

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UniSIM adopts a flexible and practice-focused teaching and learning approach and offer programmes that are rigorous, multi-mode and relevant – factors that are highly valued by busy executives who demand learning that can be tailored to suit their busy schedules, and knowledge and skills that are immediately applicable to their jobs. See all SIM University courses
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