Course details

Biomedical diagnostics is the study of procedures that provide information to aid the screening, detection, diagnosis and monitoring of disease. This M.Sc. programme delivers structured, module-based training in Diagnostics at postgraduate level for suitably qualified and experienced graduates. You can also attend stand-alone modules or workshops, which will be especially relevant to those in industry wishing to develop skills in new advances in diagnostics.

The Biomedical Diagnostics Institute (BDI) ( at Dublin City University is a multidisciplinary research institute focused on the development of next generation biomedical diagnostic devices. As part of the BDI Education and Outreach programme the institute has developed a M.Sc. in Biomedical Diagnostics.

Aims and Objectives:

  • To inspire highly motivated individuals to take a very proactive approach to their learning.
  • To be fully aware of the importance of a multidisciplinary approach in the area of Diagnostics. This will be achieved through the use of innovative problem solving that demands a team approach and the harnessing of skills from a number of subject areas.
  • To produce high quality graduates/researchers who can combine biomedical and analytical science with production technology, business creativity, economics and ethics.

Programme Structure:

This one year, full-time programme comprises nine modules and a comprehensive research project. It is anticipated that students will have a variety of scientific and/or engineering backgrounds and, for this reason, they will be provided with the necessary background and understanding in biology, chemistry and physics at an early stage in the programme.

You then focus on specific modules in diagnostic science such as basis of disease, principles of diagnostic technology, genetics and nanobiotechnology. These provide multidisciplinary expertise in key sciences related to diagnostics.

A number of workshops in ethics, communications, legislation and regulation of devices and research commercialisation will aid employment prospects and career development. You will also acquire the necessary practical laboratory skills through a combination of modules in practical techniques and a substantial research project in Semester 2.

Why DCU:

  • You will develop excellent levels of knowledge and associated practical skills in introductory and advanced diagnostic technology.
  • You will work in a multi- and inter-disciplinary environment. Students will receive important perspectives from clinical and industrial researchers in diagnostics, ensuring all modules are as up to date as possible.
  • You will develop a number of transferable skills, such as communication and entrepreneurial skills. Students will also achieve an awareness of the ethical and social aspects of diagnostic technology.

A novel aspect of this programme is our direct access to partner industries in the diagnostic arena. Their input ensures the immediate applicability of the programme and its value to national/international diagnostic industries.

Career Prospects:

The diagnostics sector represents a vibrant growth area within the Irish economy. It is highlighted as an area in which Ireland can develop a position of competitive strength, differentiation and critical mass. Employment in the medical device and diagnostics industry increased by 70% between 1997 and 2006, and Ireland is the highest per capita employer of medical devices and diagnostic personnel in Europe (Forfas and National Competitiveness Council, 2007; Eucomed, 2007). Graduates will be highly skilled and adaptable researchers, and you will have gained important perspectives by being exposed to both academic and industrial research attitudes. Your entry to the workforce will address the perceived deficit of highly trained employees in the medical device and diagnostics industry. Please see past and present student testimonials at

Entry Requirements:

To qualify for the Masters programme students will be expected to have at a minimum a Second Class Honours degree (2.2) or equivalent in a science or engineering discipline.

Updated on 08 November, 2015

About Dublin City University

DCU is a young, dynamic and ambitious university with a distinctive mission to transform lives and societies through education, research and innovation. Since admitting its first students in 1980, DCU has grown in both student numbers and size and now occupies a 72 acre site in Glasnevin, just north of Dublin city.

To date over 43,000 students have graduated from DCU and are now playing significant roles in enterprise and business globally. Today, in 2012, DCU delivers more than 120 programmes to over 10,000 students across its ftheir faculties – Humanities and Social Sciences, Science and Health, Engineering and Computing and DCU Business School.

DCU's excellence is recognised internationally and it is ranked among the top 50 Universities worldwide (QS 'Top 50 under 50' 2012). In the last eight years, DCU has twice been named Sunday Times 'University of the Year'.

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