Udemy Mothers Working from Home: Top Alternatives to 9-5 Jobs Udemy
Price: AED 129

    Course details

    This is a beginners course for mothers who want to learn how they can work from home or start their own home based business. It gives you the short cut to finding these opportunities, avoiding the scams, and finding the right option, whatever stage of motherhood you are at:

    All mothers need the flexibility to be able to work to earn extra income, while still having the freedom to be available to look after their children. Traditional work options leave mothers feeling guilty and stressed trying to juggle their responsibilities, and when they are finally able to go back to work, they struggle to overcome the stigma attached to being a stay at home mother.

    Nowadays companies are taking advantage of employees who can telecommute, and it is easier than ever to start your business from home, reaching customers worldwide through your computer. There are three main categories of working from home, and you can transition from working for someone else to working for yourself at your own pace.

    There are no deadlines on this course, and you go through the lessons in your own time, fitting the learning in around your schedule. The course uses a mixture of video lectures, quizzes and presentations to teach you everything you need to know to start working from home.

    • Find out where to look for telecommute jobs
    • How you can freelance with one or many clients
    • Learn how to brainstorm business ideas for any niche
    • Understand how you can start a business with no shop, no office, and no stock to buy.

    Your skills as a multi-tasking mother are perfect for working from home, whether you have experience or not. So join the community of Mothers Working from Home - we are here to help you!

    Updated on 07 July, 2015
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