Course details

Module One:

Managing the Outlook Environment

  • Apply and manipulate Outlook program options: setting General, Mail, Calendar, Tasks, Notes and Journal, Advanced, and Language options.
  • Manipulate item tags: categorizing items, setting flags, setting sensitivity level, marking items as read or unread, and viewing message properties.
  • Arrange the Content Pane: showing or hiding fields in a list view, changing the reading view, and using the Reminders Window and People Pane.
  • Apply search and filter tools: using built-in Search folders.
  • Print an Outlook item: printing attachments, calendars, multiple messages, multiple contact records, tasks, and multiple notes.

Module Two: Creating and Formatting Item Content

  • Create and send email messages: specifying a message theme, specifying plain text, rich text, or HTML message content format, showing or hiding the From and Bcc fields, setting a reminder for message recipients, specifying the sending account, specifying the sent item folder, configuring message delivery options, configuring voting and tracking options, and sending a message to a contact group.
  • Create and manage Quick Steps: performing, creating, editing, deleting, and duplicating Quick Steps, resetting Quick Steps to default settings.
  • Create item content: inserting graphical elements and inserting a hyperlink.
  • Format item content: using formatting tools, applying styles, creating styles and themes, using Paste Special, and formatting graphical elements.
  • Attach content to email messages: attaching an Outlook item and attaching external files.

Module Three: Managing Email Messages

  • Clean up the mailbox: viewing mailbox size, saving message attachments, saving a message in an external format, ignoring a conversation, and using clean-up tools.
  • Create and manage rules: creating, modifying, and deleting rules.
  • Manage junk mail: allowing a specific message (Not junk), and filtering junk mail with Never Block Sender, Never Block Sender’s Domain, Never Block this Group or Mailing List, and Block Sender.
  • Manage automatic message content: managing signatures, specifying the font for new HTML messages, plain-text messages, specifying options for replies and forwards, and setting a default theme for all HTML messages, stationery, and fonts.

Module Four: Managing Contacts

  • Create and manipulate contacts: modifying a default business card, forwarding a contact, and updating a contact in the address book.
  • Create and manipulate contact groups: creating a contact group, managing contact group membership, showing notes about a contact group, forwarding a contact group, deleting a contact group, and sending a meeting to a contact group.

Module Five: Managing Calendar Objects

  • Create and manipulate appointments and events: setting appointment options, printing appointment details, forwarding an appointment, and scheduling a meeting with a message sender.
  • Create and manipulate meeting requests: setting response options, updating a meeting request, canceling a meeting or invitation, and proposing a new time for a meeting.
  • Manipulate the Calendar pane: arranging the calendar view, changing the calendar color, displaying or hiding calendars, and creating a calendar group.

Module Six: Working with Tasks, Notes, and Journal Entries

  • Create and manipulate tasks: creating a task, managing task details, sending a status report, marking a task as complete, moving or copying a task to another folder, assigning a task to another Outlook user, accepting or declining a task assignment, updating an assigned task, and using Current view.
  • Create and manipulate notes: creating a note, changing the current view, and categorizing notes.
  • Create and manipulate Journal entries: automatically record Outlook items, automatically record files, and editing a Journal entry.
Updated on 08 November, 2015

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