Course details

MongoDB is an open source document database capable of storing and processing data with high performance and convenient scalability. Unlike traditional RDMS systems MongoDB is a cross-platform document oriented database system categorized as a NoSQL database. In comparison to Oracle and other popular database systems MongoDB is relatively new, however, it has sparked wider interests with its NoSQL features, MapReduce calculation capability and distributed key value store. In general, MongoDB is one of the finest databases for storing and processing of Big Data and anyone with its expertise has good career opportunity

Why MongoDB Training

  • MonoDB is flexible and scalable for storing large amount of data
  • It is powerful enough to function like RDBMS
  • Increasing demand of Big Analytics professionals with MongoDB expertise in developed IT industry
  • MongoDb expertise can fulfill the talent deficits of Data Scientists and Analytics Consultants who are in huge demand globally
  • Increasing community engagement in the form of MongoDB User Groups and MongoDB Customer Advocacy Hub
Updated on 03 September, 2016

About Broadway Infosys Nepal

Broadway Infosys Nepal is one of the best inclusive computer training institutes in Kathmandu, Nepal. Established in 2008, our professional IT Training and Development center has been employing experts in this field to impart professional education to trainees. We offer well-structured complete professional training in various Programming Languages, Graphics & Multimedia, Web Designing as well as Development Training that is based upon the current recruitment needs in the IT market.

Further, we also provide training on thorough understanding of:

  • Project Requirement Identification and Analysis,
  • Software Development Life Cycle,
  • Functional Design,
  • Testing and Implementation
  • Quality Assurance

Since establishment, we have successfully established and maintained network with more than fifty IT and other companies which has made us able to offer and provide our students with internship and job opportunities.

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