Monetary Operations And Liquidity Management (MOLM) Center for Economics and Finance

    Course details

    Target Audience: 

    Mid-to senior-level officials at central banks.


    Participants should be involved in the implementation of monetary policy and in liquidity management, and in money market development.


    The course is conducted in English with simultaneous interpretation into Arabic.

    Course Description:

    This one-week course, offered by the IMF’s Monetary and Capital Markets Department, explores theways in which a central bank’s monetary olicy is implemented through its operational framework (openmarket operations, standing facilities, reserve requirements), and the ways in hich the operationalframework can support liquidity management (so that unanticipated liquidity shocks do not causeundue volatility) and arket development. Differences between a pro-active approach to liquiditymanagement, and a more passive system, are reviewed.

    The course also discusses how central banks have adapted their operational frameworks in the face ofthe global financial crisis and approaches followed o handle pressures arising from the new risks andchallenges in the MENA region. This is to support financial stability and the design of incentive structuresin the financial system that motivates responsiveness to monetary policy signals and financial stability.Furthermore, mock uctions and group discussions in which participants deepen their understandingof monetary instruments through hands-on exercises are ntroduced. Finally, some participants will beasked to make presentations on the operational issues which they are currently facing.

    Updated on 08 November, 2015

    About Center for Economics and Finance

    The mission of the IMF-Middle East We_They is to strengthen the economic management in Arab League Member Countries by delivering an integrated curriculum of training courses and seminars that address the key skill sets needed to support this goal. In particular, the training aims to improve the ability of officials of these countries to analyze economic conditions, diagnose problems, and design and implement appropriate policies.

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