Course details
The term "Frozen ATPL" is used throughout the Aviation Industry to describe the qualifications required to apply for a job as a First-Officer with an Airline.
National Flight Centre offers a structured training package that is unparalleled in terms of flexibility, quality and price. Our course suits the Individual who would like to continue in full-time employment or indeed a customer who would like to complete the course on a full-time basis.
You train at YOUR own pace
- You train when it suits YOU
- ALL of your training completed without having to leave Ireland
- NO money up front, Pay as you go
- High Quality training and Customer satisfaction and with a school that is held in high regard throughout the Global Aviation industry (View Testimonials).
The Private Pilots Licence is the foundation of your aviation career. You will complete a minimum of 45 hours of Flight Training and 4 theoretical exams with the Irish Aviation Authority. You will learn all the basics of flying from our professional Instructional Staff. Throughout this stage, you will learn all the basics of flying and indeed Navigation. You will get the opportunity to complete your first solo flight and indeed your first solo navigation flight.
You can complete your Night Rating training during or after your PPL Training. It involves 5 hours of Night Flying, including Navigation practice and a minimum of five solo take-offs and landings.
On successful completion of this stage you will be awarded a JAA Private Pilots Licence with Night Rating.
You will consolidate and improve your flying skills during this stage concurrent to completing our Distance Learning ATPL Theoretical Knowledge Course.
ATPL Theory: We will guide you through your ATPL Studies with our Computer based Training (CBT) Package. We use the widely accredited Oxford Aviation Theoretical Knowledge training package. You can complete this from the comfort of your own home or indeed you can make full use of the classroom facilities at NFC. Our Instructors are always at hand to help you in any way they can. We also include online instructor guidance/support, Training Manuals/CD's and provide Refresher weeks where you will be prepared before undertaking the exams with the Irish Aviation Authority.
Hour Building: We can provide an objective based hour-building programme where you will continue to learn and consolidate on your flying skills, which will prepare you for the next stages of Flight Training. Many of our students have flown as far as Spain and beyond during this phase. You can even bring your family and friends along for a pleasure flight!
On successful completion of the ATPL Theoretical Exams and hour building you will commence your Commercial Pilots Licence training course. You will have accrued a wealth of experience with NFC during your hour-building stage and should have little problem completing this 25 hour course and passing the associated flight test. You will complete this course on our C172 RG.
Subjects taught include advance navigation and handling skills and Basic Instrument Flight Manoevres.
Congratulations, you are now the proud holder of a Commercial Pilots Licence!
During this stage you will learn how to fly with sole reference to instruments. This course lasts a minimum of 61 Hours. 40 of these may be conducted in our JAA Approved FNPTII Flight Simulator. The benefit of having an FNPTII Simulator cannot be overstated and greatly reduces the overall course cost to you as the customer, as Multi-Engine Training can be the single most expensive portion of Flying Training. Our simulator is based on BE-76 Duchess which allows for a seamless transition on to our BE-76 Aircraft where you will complete the remaining 21 hours of flight training culminating in your MEP/ME-IR Skills Test.
On successful completion of this stage, you will be awarded a Multi-Engine Instrument rating.
Now you are a fully qualified Commercial Pilot with Multi-Engine Instrument Rating. Before you can apply for an Airline, you will need to complete a Multi-Crew Co-operation course to teach you how to operate safely and efficiently in the Multi-Crew environment. Our MCC Course is conducted by some of the Airline Industry's most Senior Operational Training Captains, Type Rating Examiners/Instructors making this the ideal opportunity to expand on your Flying Skills to prepare you for a Simulator Assessment with an Airline. This course is conducted over 8 days and you will complete lectures on Cockpit Management, Leadership, Communication to name but a few. You will also complete 20 hours of flying the state of the art Boeing 737 Simulator at Dublin Airport.
Updated on 08 November, 2015 - Read Less