Modern Arabic Literature Al Mashriq Center for Arabic Instruction
Price: JOD 1,595

    Course details

    This survey course is an introduction to a variety of genres prominent in modern Arabic literature such as:

    • Short stories
    • Poetry
    • Biographies
    • Novels
    • Plays

    The goal of the course is to improve students' mastery of the four language skills and develop an appreciation for Arabic literature among the participants.

    Reading materials for this course are selected based on:

    • Complexity of language, grammatical structures and vocabulary
    • Importance within the body of Arabic literary work of the 20th and 21st centuries
    • Students' interests and demonstrated language levels
    Updated on 08 November, 2015

    About Al Mashriq Center for Arabic Instruction

    theylcome to Al-Mashriq Center for Arabic Instruction. their curriculum differs radically from the competition, integrating colloquial Arabic with Modern Standard Arabic in a way that reflects the use of the language by native speakers.
    The Arabic classes at Al-Mashriq act as a bridge connecting their students to the Arabic-speaking environment surrounding them - everything learned in the classroom is practiced with native speakers outside of it.
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