Mobile Video Journalism - Pro iPhone video editing course Udemy
Price: USD 195
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

Mobile Video Journalism Certificate Course

October 2018:Updated with freshAndroid videotutorials, plus tips for IGTV and Instastories.

This course is by thebest-selling mobile journalism trainer whohas taught thousands of reportersmobile video reporting methods.

Journalists, editors, producers, media instructors, andjournalism professors use this course to learnhow toshoot, edit and share professionalvideo storieswith a mobile phone.

This highly-rated course will guide youstep-by-step through the reporting and production methods formobile journalism.

"Robb is an excellent instructor. He knows his subject matter and teaches each module clearly. I highly recommend his course. Enroll now!"
Jayson Guerrero

At the end of this course you will be able to:

Use smartphones for news gathering

Shoot high quality video clips

Organize visual elements into a video story

Produce live streams

Conduct interviews

Edit video with various apps

Produce stories for social audiences

Edit videos for different social platforms

Write a script for voice-over narration

Produce reporter-led stories

Report character-led stories with sound bites

Produce piece-to-camera segments

Produce vertical video stories

Make a video from 10 photos and a script

Film in shot sizes and patterns

Use the correct apps for each type of video

Perform simple, but powerful video editing

Compress time with sequences

Storyboard a short video report

The methods and lessons in this courseare concise, practical and information rich.

"Robb is very clear and straightforward in his teaching, and I appreciate the way his lectures are backed up with slide or text reviews. Production quality is professional. Highly recommended! Stephen Box

This course isused by reporters at The New York Times, Reuters, 24SATA, RT, AP, Mediacorp, Channel News Asia, The Straits-Times, SPH Magazines, TVN24,VRT Belgium, and CNN.

This digital skills training isdesigned for active journalists by the journalism professor who wrote the book on smartphone video storytelling.

  • The lessons in this course are a well-curated library of journalism-oriented training materials with explainers, videos and real-world reportingexercises.You can select new skills to learn on your time and at your pace.

  • The on-demand lesson modules are short in length, straight to the point, well-illustrated and shares in a conversational style.

  • You can take the lessons on your phone, tablet or computer and replay any content until you get the hang of it.

The syllabus is similar to the courses the instructor has designed for university journalism degree programs worldwide. This course is mandatory for all incomingjournalism students at the schools where the instructor teaches in Europe.

Smart Film School lesson content is frequently refreshed to remain current and vital. The lessons are filmed from stories that take place on five continents. The videotutorials are entertaining and inspiring.

If you tell stories for a living or teach storytelling skills, this course is for you.

What's do the lesson's teach?

  • Many storytelling techniques and exercisesfor creating snackable and shareable visualcontent for mobile audiences.

  • Visual story planning, visually-led reporting techniques and writing to pictures.

  • How to create awide range of multimedia content and how to organize workflows.

  • How to quickly film and edit videos for Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, Youtube, and Snapchat audiences.

"I am a senior at Notre Dame in a Multimedia Journalism class with Len Clark and I found thiscourse to be extremely helpful and interesting! Definitely many tools that I can utilize in my future career!" Elizabeth Carson

NOTE to Professors: This video course content is also offered as a campus license touniversities worldwide at the Smart Film School web site.

Enroll now!

Updated on 14 November, 2018
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