Mise en Place Egyptian Chefs Association
Price: EGP 2,500

    Course details

    In this course, chefs will learn to understand why a good mise en place is essential to reach efficiency and quality in a foodservice outlet. An organized chef will think about everything that needs to be done and the most efficient way to complete those tasks before beginning the actual cooking. Chefs will learn about typical mise en place items and how to prepare them prior to cooking. A section on how to prepare a prep list concludes the course. Practical case studies and exercises will teach the chefs how to prepare a mise en place list and work plan.

    Structure of the workshop and topics covered:

    • How to organize and plan your work more efficiently
    • Basic flavoring techniques and how to prepare them
    • Measurements and how to measure
    • How to prepare items prior to actual cooking
    • How to clarify butter
    • How to set up and use the standard breading procedure
    • The difference between parboiling and blanching
    • The function of an ice bath and how to prepare one
    • Advantages and disadvantages of using convenience foods
    • The importance of making a prep list
    • How to compile a prep list that works
    Updated on 08 November, 2015

    About Egyptian Chefs Association

    The Egypt Young Chefs Club (EYCC) is the youth arm of the Egyptian Chefs Association. Their organization nurtures youthful talent in the food and beverages field and is reputed for its distinctive mission, excellent culinary standards and dedication to promoting continuous improvement in the profession. They aspire to build a community where young professionals will enjoy an open society in which information exchange and networking are the hallmarks of its mission.

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