Mind Mapping for Smart Working OfCourse
Price: USD 7
USD 14
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

38 lectures with 4 hours of video guidance including various supporting materials
  • Learn how to use mind maps to enhance your productivity
  • Watch from the instructors perspective to gain a better understanding… of a mind mapper to help you learn more effectively
  • Suitable for beginners or those who have tried mind mapping before but want to improve their skills… 

Learn how to use mind maps to enhance your productivity with this course. The course will teach you the fundamentals of mind mapping and explain the manner this tool improves your learning experience.

Barry Mapp is a Mind Mapper and Accredited Life Coach with 20 years experience working in the personal development sector. Barry has worked in educational institutions and in the business sector therefore can tailor his teaching to a wide variety of people. He has taught simple techniques to enhance productivity, study skills, memory, mind-body, coaching ability, public speaking skills, and emotional intelligence to several thousand students.

The course covers the basic principles of mind mapping at the beginning then supports you to start creating your own mind maps by watching live tutorials and guided exercises of Barry constructing mind maps. The course has a quiz which recaps the main aspects of the course after which you can gain a certificate to evidence your learning. The course is suitable for beginners and even those who are aspiring to improve their mind mapping skills.

Course Purpose and Structure
  • Intro
  • Say hi to your fellow students!
  • Share your new course with your friends!
  • Introduction
  • Purpose
  • Structure
  • Allaying Fears
  • Getting into the Right Frame of Mind for Learning
Observe a Mind Mapper at Work
  • Intro
  • Observe a Mind Mapper at Work
  • Benefits of Mind Mapping
  • Mind Map a Holiday
  • Mind Map an Article
  • The 4 Stages of Learning Anything New
  • Learning About Your Brain
  • Mind mapping 'How to Mind Map'
  • Observe Good Practise
  • Cultivating the Mind Article Scanned
Practise Reading Mind Maps
  • Intro
  • The Benefits from Reading
  • Exercise 1 - Read about a Holiday in Goa
  • Exercise 2 - Read about a book… 
  • Exercise 3 - Read a Mind Map about 'How to Mind Map'
  • Practise the Easiest Things First
Getting the Feel of the Technique
  • Getting ready to copy a Mind Map
  • Step by Step Copying of a Mind Map
  • Get the Feel of the New Technique
Integrate the Learning
  • Intro
  • The Importance of Integrating the Key Ideas
  • Live Session Part 1 - How the Memory Works and a Memory Exercise
  • Live Session Part 2 - Conclusion of Memory Exercise
  • Information Hierarchies and Chunking Up
  • Start Integrating the Key Principles
Creating Your Own Mind Maps (With a Helping Hand)
  • Intro
  • Creating Your Own Mind Maps (With a Helping Hand)
  • Introduction
  • Life Highlights
  • Life Highlight Template
  • Using Mind Mapping to Set Goals
  • Using The Aids at your Disposal
Now Create Mind Maps On Your Own
  • Intro
  • Personal… 
  • Work
  • Other
  • Only You Can Practice the Technique - Practice Makes Permanent
Review What You Have Learnt
  • Study and Review and Take Action to Improve
  • Persevere with Improvement
  • Congratulations - You have completed the course
  • End Piece - what next?
  • Part 1
  • Part 2
  • Part 3
  • Part 4
  • Part 5
  • Part 6
  • Part 7
  • Part 8
  • Part 9
  • Part 10
  • Part 11
  • Part 12
  • Part 13
  • Part 14
  • Part 15
Updated on 21 February, 2017

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