Course details

Learners are introduced to the fundamental, advanced and expert user elements of Word. Topics covered include the creation of documents, use of Word Help, document enhancement, table and column management, in addition to visual enhancements to include WordArt, and graphics.

Learner Profile

Earning MOS certification can help learners differentiate themselves in today's competitive job market. It helps broaden employment opportunities by demonstrating that they have advanced skills+ Read More

About Galway Training Centre

The Galway Training Centre Ltd. (formerly T/A CAD Services) is a long established training company based in Galway City. The company was formed in 1990 and has been delivering high quality training to private individuals / companies and public organisations for all of that time. theyhave been working closely as a highly recognised and reputable contracted training company with organisations such as NUIG, Institute of Engineers of Ireland, various local authorities and major manufacturing companies as well as FÁS / ETB's for over 20 years.
Their Commitment
theyare motivated and driven by the deep commitment of the management and staff to facilitate all learners in achieving the highest level of training using the full extent of their capabilities. As part of theircommitment, theirmanagement and staff are empowered to create and facilitate a learning environment that supports and stimulates learners and enables them to realise their full potential. theirexperienced and highly qualified staff include professional engineers, administration and IT specialists. theybelieve in providing programmes of topical learning and facilities for those who desire career related knowledge and job skills upgrading and / or retraining. theyare committed to creating and maintaining an organised, trusting, and caring environment where teaching and learning are stimulating and learners are assisted in developing their skills. theystrive to accommodate individual learning styles so that all may experience success.
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