Course details
Metasploit is a framework which is used for rendering information about the vulnerabilities present in a system along with suggesting aids for the discovered vulnerabilities during penetration testing. Projects like shellcode archive, Opcode Database, and development as well as the execution of exploits (tested against a remote machine that poses as the target) are handled by Metasploit. It contains a fully loaded pen-testing toolkit (which contains a collection of different… + Read More
Course details
Metasploit is a framework which is used for rendering information about the vulnerabilities present in a system along with suggesting aids for the discovered vulnerabilities during penetration testing. Projects like shellcode archive, Opcode Database, and development as well as the execution of exploits (tested against a remote machine that poses as the target) are handled by Metasploit. It contains a fully loaded pen-testing toolkit (which contains a collection of different attack vectors), exploits, payloads, encoders and more, to execute different attack scenarios on a wide range of systems. The Metasploit Framework also contains a flexible exploit development platform, custom build exploits for different vulnerabilities and research tools.
This framework makes it relatively easy to discover, exploit and share vulnerabilities. Apart from this, it also helps in focusing on specialized aspects of penetration testing by automating mundane, routine and complex tasks.
Metasploit was originally developed by HD Moore, as an open-source flexible repository for validated and sanitized public exploits, in October 2003. Only a total of 11 exploits were released at that time. In 2009, Metasploit was acquired by Rapid7 and two commercial products based on Metasploit-Framework, namely, Metasploit Express and Metasploit Pro, were released.
Some salient features of Metasploit, We are going to learn in the chapter are -
- Metasploit's feature of automating repeat tasks helps in completing assignments in a quicker manner.
- Multi-level and multi-party attacks can be leveraged using Metasploit. This means that a team of testers can coordinate their attacks over the framework.
- Security of networks, endpoint systems, servers and web apps can be verified by emulating realistic attacks based on the framework.
- Technical reports, executive reports and audits of the system can be customized according to the client's needs, in the GUI framework.
At the end of this course you will know how to use metasploit framework in penetration testing, Making exploit and testing them against a vulnerable machine.
Updated on 29 May, 2018 - Read Less