Course details

Course consists of 5 tracks presented in 36 sessions, each of, twice weekly.

  • Track I Internal Medicine
  • Track II Psychiatry
  • Track III Obstetrics & Gynecology
  • Track IV Pediatrics
  • Track V Surgery

Target Group:

  • Fresh Graduates.
  • Residents.
Updated on 08 November, 2015

About Score Training Center

SCORE is a leading Egyptian training centre founded into bridge the gap between Egyptian medical education & Global recruitment needs in healthcare field. We started with only 3 employees. Now, we have 3 branches with 30 officers, 65 instructors. We serve more than 1,500 candidates per year through number of branches in Cairo [Egyptian Capital], Alexandria [2nd largest city in Egypt], Mansoura and sites in Assuit [inside Assuit University] and Ismailia [inside Ismailia Dental Syndicate]. 

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