Course details

Course Overview

  • Demonstrate knowledge of nonprofit organizations’ legal, financing and governance structures and the key management issues nonprofit organizations encounter.
  • Analyze the context in which nonprofits deliver services, raise money, and promote their missions.
  • Apply management skills to the operations of nonprofits and achieve success in leadership roles within their nonprofit organizations and the nonprofit sector.
Updated on 08 November, 2015

About American Public University

When he founded American Military University (AMU) in 1991, retired Marine Corps officer James P. Etter broke new ground by offering career-relevant, distance education for a mobile population of military learners with unique needs. Over the next 10 years, many more undergraduate and graduate programs were added to help prepare students for leadership roles both within the military and for transition to post-military careers. In 2002, AMU was reorganized into the American Public University System (APUS), and American Public University (APU) was founded to provide access to the same quality, affordable, and relevant education to a broader audience of motivated working adults. 

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