MBA - Healthcare Management Lincoln University of Business & Management
Price: AED 31,500
AED 41,996
Instructor led live virtual classroom online. Classes may be individual or in group.

    Course details

    The MBA in Healthcare Management program seeks to develop professionals who understand how to manage non-profit, for-profit, and voluntary health care organizations in effective and innovative ways. The program focuses on the need for health care administrators to be continuous learners, critical thinkers, and ethical practitioners by recognizing the multi-constructed nature of human, social, and organizational realities and the complex relationships between the system of health providers and the needs of the community.

    Who is the program designed for?

    The program offers valuable experience and useful knowledge in a results oriented environment. Students gain practical managerial skills to augment their talent as healthcare professionals. The course will enable them to share existing knowledge as well as acquire the new knowledge and skills needed to manage and lead in a changing healthcare sector.

    Updated on 05 February, 2022

    About Lincoln University of Business & Management

    Lincoln University of Business & Management (LUBM) provides working adults with an opportunity to study professional, latest cutting-edge courses along with international university programs while living in the UAE.

    Our main goal is to provide all our students with a quality, cost-effective education while taking pride in maintaining the highest academic standards. With a rich and collective experience of 40 years in higher education industry across countries and functions, Lincoln University offers a wide range of programs covering business and management at diploma, graduate, post graduate and doctorate levels.

    Our ultimate aim is to create a benchmark in the business and management sector through continuous and result oriented researches. The excellence in education conveyed by Lincoln University helps to build huge amount of confidence in students, thus providing them with excellent placement opportunities at various multinational companies and organizations.

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