MBA in Finance Learners Education UAE
Price: USD 7,895
Instructor led live virtual classroom online. Classes may be individual or in group.
  • Duration: Upto 15 Months

Course details

The course outlines the financial aspects of entrepreneurship. These include drafting of the business plan and its essential sections - financial, operational, markets. Other financial-related areas are also studied including the operating agreement, forms of organization,venture capital and course seeks to familiarize students with the key institutional features of the private equity industry. This involves examining how institutions and contracts are structured to mitigate agency costs and information problems that are endemic to private equity ;
While there will be a focus on the structure of contracts and institutions in the venture capital market, we will also examine private equity investments in mature and distressed companies. Updated on 19 April, 2023

About Learners Education UAE

The Swiss School of Management 1-year international accredited MBA program is designed to equip students with the tools and analytical framework, required for a successful career. The interactive community of faculty and students in an international setting provides students with globally relevant material in today’s ever-changing economy.

The SSM MBA Degree is fully accredited by IACBE and CHEA-Council for Higher Education. Our MBA degree is also accredited by the Department of Veterans Affairs in the USA. SSM is a quality certified school by EduQua, the Swiss Quality Certification label (accredited by the Swiss Federal Government) for Institutions of higher and continuous education.Throughout the MBA program, students will study leadership, business, entrepreneurship and management philosophies that can be applied to any management role across varied industries.

Our business school also gives students hands-on, applicable experience leading groups and classroom discussions.The program features international lectures, corporate visits, visiting speakers, self-assessment exercises and resume/internship counseling. Our goal is to start growing students’ networks from the moment they arrive.

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