Course details

Course Overview
Upon completion of the program, students of the Online MBA earn a full and equal Master of Business Administration degree from European University.

The online program mirrors EU’s top 40 (QS ranked) MBA while giving students the flexibility to attend lectures online at their own convenience. It spans 12 months, including a tutored final project. The MBA focuses on real-life experience in addition to business theory. European University’s Online MBA offers the opportunity for conferences, exams, industrial visits and tutorials as well as the chance to spend one week at one of European University’s main campuses each term.

EU Business School Munich’s full-time/part-time MBA and Online MBA degrees are internationally-recognized, graduate degrees that serve as passports to successful management careers. Their curricula are tailored to accommodate each candidate’s needs and effectively prepare students for leadership positions in the modern business world by utilizing a pragmatic approach to business education which emphasizes the case-study method.

Updated on 08 November, 2015

About European University

EBCM branch of European University Munich is an internationally-accredited business school in Munich that combines North American and European business education models by applying classroom theory to professional skills.

Established in 1973, EBCM branch of European University Munich is one of the world's leading business schools, delivering exceptionally comprehensive business education in a competitive and international learning environment. It is recognized for the academic excellence of its faculty and student body and for the professional success of its alumni. European business college Munich, EBCM, is part of the international EU network that allows students to transfer between European University campuses.

European business college Munich, EBCM, offers Bachelor and Master of Business Administration programs, as well as a one-year Business Foundation program. Students can specialize in different management education areas including Business Administration, Communication & Public Relations, Leisure & Tourism Management, International Relations, Sports Management, Business Finance, E-Business and Entrepreneurship.

EBCM branch of European University Munich provides an education that is student-oriented, flexible and personal. All courses are taught in English by highly-qualified faculty members with a wealth of practical experience in their fields. The faculty at European Business College Munich, EBCM, works with students on an individual basis to create a cooperative and welcoming learning environment where entrepreneurial and human values flourish.

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