Course details

Course Overview
Elective courses offered by the online U21Global Graduate School are available to the Otago MBA students during Phase 2 of the Otago MBA programme.

Otago MBA has a Memorandum of Understanding with U21Global, a world-class post-graduate business school offering online programmes taught by distance.

The main purpose of the agreement is to allow the Otago MBA to expand on its strategic goals of choice and flexibility for MBA students. This extends the range of electives, many of which can be undertaken anywhere in the world. Students may select electives not offered by the Otago Business School, subject to approval by the Otago MBA Office.

For some students this can mean returning to the work force while still completing Phase Two of the Otago MBA programme. Similiarly for international students, you can return to your home country to complete phase two.

The combination of on-campus teaching in phase one and subsequently the choice of online distance learning gives students the best of both worlds - the benefits of direct students to lecturers and students to students interaction during the early stage of the MBA education, followed by the flexibility of completing the programme anywhere in the world.

Updated on 08 November, 2015

About University of Otago

We are New Zealand's leading international MBA programme offering a unique academic adventure where a diverse group of students from all corners of the world come together to stretch personal boundaries, add real value to their careers and explore our wonderful natural environment.

Those who choose Otago for their MBA are an extraordinary bunch. They are forward-thinking and progressive, committed to hard work and adventure, value personal achievement and social responsibility. When you join the Otago MBA academic adventure you share your MBA experience with people who have chosen a road less travelled in the MBA world.

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