Udemy Maximum Power Speed Reading Udemy
Price: AED 367
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

This is the program you’ve dreamt about.In just a few hours time, The World’s Fastest Reader will personally double your reading read speed-guaranteed!!!

Just imagine what you can accomplish in your life by:

    ·Increasing your reading speed by 100% or more to stay on top of important information without the hassle

    ·Boosting your understanding so you make better decisions and fewer mistakes and have the confidence and skill that spell success in today’s knowledge-driven economy

    ·Developing a laser sharp memory for facts, names, languages, and the details your professional and academic success hinge upon

    ·Knowing precisely what information to learn for an important exam or meeting before you even open your book without the pressure

    ·Mastering emotional intelligence strategies


A Revolutionary Speed Reading Breakthrough

While other speed reading programs rely upon mechanics forcing you to speed read all the time, your program enables you to slow down and speed up at will.

The Media Raves About Maximum Power Speed Reading

Howard has appeared on over 1,100 radio and television programs including 9 appearances on Comedy Central.You’ll love how he keeps you in stitches while sharing his revolutionary learning breakthrough.

Redbook, Men’s Health, Selling, Bottom Line, Forbe’s FYI, and dozens of newspapers featured Howard’s learning breakthrough, and he is the only speed reader to ever have a reading claim published in the Guinness Book Of World Records in 1990.No one has ever replaced his reading claim of 80 pages per minute—absolutely no one.

Powerful Endorsements

“I believe you’ve gone one step beyond speed reading to speed learning, bringing the discipline into the 21st century.”Maurice Thompson Jr.—past chairman and president of Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics

“Maximum Power Speed Reading is not only one of the most effective ways an individual can increase their reading rate, it is easy to learn.”W Berry Fowler—Founder of Sylvan Learning Centers

Course Contents

1.Downloadable activity book

2. Ten Video lessons

Results Are Guaranteed

Updated on 14 November, 2018
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