Udemy Mathematica for healthcare and life science statistics Udemy
Price: AED 165
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

This course is for anyone in the healthcare and life sciencesinterested in doing their own statistical analysis. You will learn an easy to use, powerful computer language and how to use it to do statistical analysis. The introduction shows you how to get a copy of Mathematica or how to use the free version in the cloud. The Wolfram company also provides complimentary access to Wolfram|One for all students who take this course. More information is available in the BONUSMATERIAL video lecture.

Although the course assumes some knowledge of statistical concepts, it does supply enough information on the basics of statistics, so that most learners will find it a useful resource enough resourceto learn these concepts, over and above learning how to write code to do the actual analysis.

The course is made up of clearly defined sections, each with its own set of video lectures. The first video in each section is accompanied by notebook files and, where required, a spreadsheet data file. The notebook in each sectionmarkedRecording...is a copy of the notebook that I use in the video lectures. The other notebook file contains much more description of both the code and the statitics. You can use this as an additional study resource as you learn how to use Mathematica.

The course starts with a gentle introduction to using Mathematica by showing you how to perform simple calculations. From here it progresses through descriptive statistics, plotting and charting, the creation of simulateddata and the importation of existing data.

Before too long you will be able to do advanced statistical tests such as parametric and nonparametric tests and even survival analysis. All with a few short lines of code.

Get ready to understand and do your own statistics.

Updated on 14 November, 2018
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