Mastering in SQL Server Amaravati Analytics software services
Price: USD 544
  • Duration: 15 Hours

Course details


  • Introduction To DBMS
  • Introduction To SQL Server
  • TSQL (Transact Structured Query Language)
  • History and Features of TSQL
  • Types Of TSQL Commands
  • Data Definition Language (DDL)
  • Data Manipulation Language (DML)
  • Data Query Language (DQL)
  • Data Control Language (DCL)
  • Transaction Control Language (TCL)
  • Data Definition Language(DDL)
  • Creating/Altering/Deleting  Database
  • Constraints
  • Not Null, Unique, Default and Check constraints
  • Primary Key and Referential Integrity or foreign key constraints
  • Delete and update Rules in Foreign Key
  • On update/delete no action
  • On update/delete cascade
  • On update/delete set null
  • On update/delete set default
  • Data Manipulation Language(DML)
  • Insert
  • Identity
  • Creating A Table From Another Table
  • Inserting Rows From One Table To Another
  • Update
  • Computed Columns
  • Delete
  • Truncate
  • Differences Between Delete and Truncate
  • Merge Statement***
  • Data Query Language (DQL)
  • Select
  • Where clause
  • Order By Clause
  • Distinct Keyword
  • Isnull() function
  • Column & table aliases
  • Operators:
  • Arithmetic operators
  • comparison operators
  • Range operators
  • List operators
  • string /pattern matching operator
  • Unknown value operators
  • Logical operators
  • Set operators
  • Built In Functions
  • Scalar Functions
  • Numeric Functions
  • Character Functions
  • Conversion Functions
  • Date Functions
  • Aggregate Functions
  • Convenient Aggregate Functions
  • Statistical Aggregate Functions
  • Group By and Having Clauses
  • Super Aggregates
  • Over(partition by …) Clause
  • Ranking Functions
  • Rank()
  • Dense_rank()
  • Row_Number()
  • Ntile(n)
  • Table Expressions
  • Derived tables
  • Common Table Expressions (CTE)
  • Top n Clause
  • Joins
  • Inner Join
  • Equi Join
  • Non-Equi Join
  • Self Join
  • Outer Join
  • Left Outer Join
  • Right Outer Join
  • Full Outer Join
  • Cross Join
  • Sub Queries
  • Single Row Sub Queries
  • Multi Row Sub Queries
  • Any or Some
  • ALL
  • Nested Sub Queries
  • Co-Related Sub Queries
  • Exists and Not Exists
  • Indexes
  • Clustered Index
  • NonClustered Index
  • Create , Alter and Drop Indexes
  • Creating indexed view
  • Security
  • Login Creation
  • SQL Server Authenticated Login
  • Windows Authenticated Login
  • User Creation
  • Granting Permissions
  • Revoking Permissions
  • Schema
  • Creating a schema
  • Creating an object under schema
  • Altering a schema
  • Dropping a schema
  • Providing security to schema
  • Views
  • Creating , Altering and Dropping Views
  • Simple and Complex Views
  • Updating(insert/delete/update) the views
  • With check option
  • Encryption and Schema Binding Options in creating views
  • Transaction Management-(TCL)
  • Explicit Transactions
  • Begin Transaction
  • Commit Transaction
  • Rollback Transaction
  • Save Transaction
  • Implicit Transactions
  • TSQL Programming (like PL/SQL in Oracle)
  • Drawbacks Of TSQL that leads to TSQL Programming
  • Introduction To TSQL Programming
  • Control statements In TSQL Programming
  • Conditional Control Statements
  • If
  • Case
  • Looping Control Statements
  • While
  • Cursors
  • Working With Cursors
  • Types Of Cursors
  • Forward_Only and Scroll Cursors
  • Static, Dynamic and Keyset Cursors
  • Local and Global Cursors
  • Cursors with functions, procedures and triggers(will be dealt at the end)
  • Stored Sub Programs
  • Advantages Of Stored Sub Programs compared to Independent SQL Statements
  • Stored Procedures
  • Creating , Altering and Dropping
  • Optional Parameters
  • Input and Output Parameters
  • Permissions on Stored Procedures
  • User Defined Functions
  • Creating, Altering and Dropping
  • Types Of User Defined Functions
  • Scalar Functions
  • Table Valued Functions
  • Inline Table Valued Functions
  • Multi Statement Table Valued Functions
  • Permissions On User Defined Functions
  • Diff between functions and procedures
  • Triggers
  • Purpose of Triggers
  • Differences Between Stored Procedures and User Defined Functions and Triggers
  • Creating, Altering and Dropping Triggers
  • After Triggers
  • Magic Tables
  • Instead Of Triggers
  • Updating the complex view using instead of triggers
  • Exception Handling
  • Implementing Exception Handling
  • Try -catch mechanism
  • Adding and removing User Defined Error Messages To And From SQL Server Error Messages List
  • Raising Exceptions Manual
  • Generating Errors through throws key word
  • Normalization
  • First Normal Form
  • Second Normal Form
  • Third Normal Form
  • Boyce-Codd Normal Form
  • Backup and Restore Of Database
  • Attach and Detach of Database

Updated on 28 August, 2020

Eligibility / Requirements

DB learning aspirants can start with this course

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Amaravati Analytics is software consulting company having office at bur dubai offering BI implementation srervices to the top customers in UAE /India/UK. We are offering consulting/outsourcing services on Power BI/Azure.

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