Course details

MBA - the two year full time programme is designed with the objective of developing young men and women into highly adept professional managers, caable of working in diverse sectors, contiouosly strivingfor excellence in performance, while propagating thought leadership and contributing to the wellfare of the society at large. The curriculum of the continously evolving MBA - two year full time porgramme rests on two pillars: one, providing a strong analytical foundation in key functional areas and the other, enabling a high degree of academic flexiblity, thereby allowing students to customize their MBA experiance.

The first year introduces students to the essentaial models and tools, with a focus on rigorous training in the diverse disciplines in management and the development of a strong foundation of business knowledge and management theory. The first year concludes with a rigorous summer internship programme which allows students to explore practical application of the management concepts learnt thorugh the first year.

In the second year, the students decide on their professional development plans by reflecting on their first years learning and Summer internship experiances. This experiance is augmented by itneractions iwth an eclectic mix of world-renouned faculty and corporate luminaries who together teach 22 core courses and over 78 elective courses. Ater two year sof 360 degree learning, the students move on to materialize their dreams in the corporate world. 

The program nurtures and develops world class business leaders with personalized care and attention, in small work gorup sand teamsin a practical, application-oriented enviornment. every year aspirants avail the opportunity of realizing their dreams through this program and proing their mettle in one of the most rigorous selection processes. 

At FMS, the MBA course structure is closly aligned with the contemporary business requriements. The focus on producing managers with sound fundamentals to hit the ground running when they enter the coroproate world. The programme empowers students to demonstrate the ability to innovate, the ability to execute the most duanting of challenges in the most trying of circumstances, the ability to create synergies aongs the most diverse set of variables and abillity to continously leanr, imporvise, adatpt, energize, excel and grow.

Updated on 06 January, 2016

About Faculty of Management Studies

The Faculty of Management Studies focuses on management education more than just business management. The commitment is thought leadership with a deep understanding of business. The approach to pedagogy combines fieldwork, case studies and instrumented feedback with a strong emphasis on concepts and theory. The intent is to encourage intellectual curiosity and open minds to the adventure of ideas.

But much about the school is not just about what is taught within its confines. FMS has the unique privilege to be part of one of the premier universities world – the University of Delhi - with some of the finest departments in Economics, Law, Sociology, Commerce and Operations Research. Our collaborative approach involves inputs from various departments which gives the benefit of a much wider view and deeper understanding. This is indicated by the success of our alumni who are in positions of leadership in industries & governments across the world. The network of more than 10000 alumni gives students unmatched access to information, mentors and careers.

FMS rewards initiative, novelty and thinking outside the box. Our students are individualists of enormous intellectual energy with a talent for collaboration and teamwork. We are a diverse lot, possessing flair and dynamism that develops in a metropolis like Delhi and thrives on challenges both inside and outside the classroom.

Corporate recruiters value our graduates for their intellectual abilities, their collaborative mind-set, their individuality and their ability to hit the ground running.

We invite you to discover FMS for yourself.

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