Udemy Master App Icon Design for iPhone (IOS) & Android Devices Udemy
Price: AED 147

    Course details

    UPDATED 5th Jan 2016 ***********************************************************

    Added 14 Lectures and New Section on how to Design Android App Icons

    **MUST have previous knowledge of Photoshop & Illustrator**


    If you think that designing App Icons is difficult task using Photoshop. OR you know the basics of Photoshop or Illustrator and want to create App Icons for your IOS App or Android App; then this course is for you. This course is All about IOS & Android App Icon Design from basics to exporting all different sizes to support all devices

    This course will cover all the do's and don'ts of App Icon design, you will see a lot of examples of bad and great app icons in this course. You will also learn about all the different IOS and Android App Icon sizes and specification.

    There is whole section on Android App Icon Design in this course. In Android App Icon Design you will learn the whole process of App Icon design from Sketching and Ideation to converting it to shapes in Illustrator and finally generating all the different sizes for all Android Devices

    Course Exercises------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Updated on 22 March, 2018

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