Mart Director Training ICOS Skillnet
Price: TBA

    Course details

    This is a Management Development Programme for Mart co-operative board members and senior management. This innovative programme has been developed by and is designed to address the special needs of co-operative board members and senior management in a rapidly changing Mart business environment.


    The key aim of the programme is to improve the capabilities of directors and senior management in positively influencing the strategic direction and corporate governance of food companies in Ireland. Participants will build on existing skills and develop new management capabilities in a highly interactive learning environment stimulated by academics and industry practitioners.


    The programme is directed at board members and senior managers, aspiring board members, members of committees, owner managers in the co-operative and Mart sectors. Suitable candidates from other related disciplines who wish to develop their skills in these sectors will also be considered.


    The programme will run on a (residential) module basis. Modules will consist of lectures and case studies presented by academics and industry practitioners. Assignments and the end-of-year project, completed by each participant, are a compulsory part of the course and facilitate application of theory and practice to organisational issues. These assignments and project are an integral part of the course and have proved to be very useful management tools in the participating companies.


    The co-operative and Governance

    • Understanding the Principles of Co
    • Operatives and Co-Operative Governance


    • Introduction to the Irish Meat Industry and its position within the
    European and Global Meat Sectors Marketing
    • An Introduction to process of marketing and the Routes to the Global Market Place for Irish Meat Products


    • Understanding finance, sources of finance, financial ratio analysis and banking covenants

    Accounts - An Introduction to Co

    • Operative Accounts and understanding the Annual Report Strategy
    • Understanding the Process of Developing a Strategy for the Irish Beef / Lamb Industries Rules & Representation
    • An Introduction to Co-Operative Rules and the Effective Operation of the Representative Structures
    Updated on 08 November, 2015

    About ICOS Skillnet

    The Irish Co-operative Organisation Society (ICOS) is a co-operative umbrella organisation that serves and promotes commercial co-operative businesses and enterprise, across multiple sections of the Irish economy.

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