Course details

Who is this course for?

This course is for anyone who is required to have such training for work or care related tasks. It is suitable for those with no previous experience or those who require recertification.

General Aims

The course is designed to develop the students knowledge and application of manual handling and patient lifting and enable them upon completion of the course to adopt best practice manual handling techniques while carrying out their duties.

Method of Delivery

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About Irish Ambulance Training Institute

they are a Pre Hospital Emergency Care Council (PHECC), Irish Heart Foundation (IHF) and FETAC accredited training site.

The Irish Ambulance Training Institute was established in 2007 to deliver a national and professional training service. their client base has extended to include a range of care providers including Ambulance Services, and a number of other students including Fire Brigade, members of Defence Forces, Gardai, Health Care Professionals, inpiduals and members of Sporting Organisations.

While they do offer training at any location nationwide, provided for by their mobile training unit, for on site training at any location and their clients convenience, they do also offer ctheirses at their fixed location training sites in Dublin, Cork, Donegal and at their flagship and headoffice site at Briarhill, Galway.

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