Managing High-Performing Teams Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ireland
Price: AED 378
  • Duration: 4 Hours

Course details


Successful team management can provide a multitude of benefits to an organisation. A high performing team increases morale, improves productivity and efficiency and provides better overall organisational performance.

This course will equip managers to create, develop and nurture a streamlined team. Learners will understand the different stages of team development, how to adopt the most appropriate approach and how to handle issues such as team performance, politics, dynamics and power structures.

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Managing High Performing Teams for Accountants enables the learner to:

  • Understand their role within the team, what their team needs and how to focus their management inputs to provide this 
  • Give the team direction by translating business goals into team goals and objectives
  • Adapt their behaviour to achieve better results and enhanced team performance
  • Balance their own work with the needs of the team, therefore increasing their own productivity
  • Delegate effectively and provide help without taking over, enabling their team members to learn the skills that they need to do their job better

Learning Outcomes

  • What makes a team?
  • What is a team?
  • What do we mean by “high performing”?
  • What affects how a team functions?
  • How do individuals’ attitudes affect the team?
  • What are the four stages of team development?
  • What is the manager’s role?


  •  How do I know if my team is at the “forming” stage? 
  •  What does the team need from me at the forming stage? 
  •  How can I provide leadership to my team?
  •  How can I give my team direction? 
  •  What should my focus be at this stage?


  • How do I know if my team is at the “storming” stage?
  • What does the team need from me at the storming stage?
  • How should I coach my team through conflict?
  • How can I give effective feedback?
  • What should my focus be at this stage?


  • How do I know if my team is “norming”?
  • What does the team need from me at the norming stage? 
  • How can I step back and support the team at the same time?
  • How can I provide help without taking over?
  • What should my focus be at this stage?


  • How do I know if my team is “performing”?
  • What does the team need from me once they are performing?
  • How can we ensure we communicate well as a team?
  • How do I balance my time as worker and manager?
  • What should my focus be once my team is performing?


Updated on 08 November, 2015

About Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ireland

Chartered Accountants Ireland (The Institute) is a membership body representing 23,000 influential members throughout the globe. their role is to educate, represent and support their members. their members work in senior positions in practice and industry. they are committed to restoring confidence at every level of the economy. they work with governments and businesses to raise awareness of the importance of sound financial advice.
Chartered Accountants Ireland was established as the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland by Royal Charter in 1888. Its activities and those of its members are governed by its Bye-Laws and by Rules relating to professional and ethical conduct. These provisions are contained in the Handbook which is available to all members.
Chartered Accountants Ireland is governed by a Council and it is responsible for determining policy and monitoring its implementation. Council is lead by the Officer Group and supported by the Management Team and staff. A number of committees with voluntary member involvement also play a key role.
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