Course details
Large capital-intensive projects in the oil and gas industries require substantial - and mostly risky - investments in the acquisition, exploration, and subsequent operation and maintenance of new organizational assets.
The decision whether or not to invest in new capital projects in the oil and gas industry, starts with critical decisions during the exploration phase of a new development, or the expansion of an existing field. The decision-making tools used to analyze project risk under conditions of uncertainty will help companies to determine the probability of success or loss, and will drive the decision to develop or abandon the well.
Of paramount importance therefore, is the systematic and comprehensive evaluation of potential investments, and the development of detailed cash-flow analyses to determine as accurately as possible, the expected returns to the organization under varying conditions of uncertainty over the expected productive life of the project.
This requires the development of sound, realistic, and carefully structured cash-flow projections, reflecting both the initial capital expenditures required for the acquisition of the asset, as well as the operational expenditures required for successful operation and maintenance of the asset over its anticipated productive life.
World-wide an alarming number of large capital projects fail to meet, or overrun their planned budgets, failing to realize both the financial and strategic goals of the organization - the very reason for their being undertaken in the first place - often with sizable increases in capital and operational expenditures, and with substantial financial losses to the organization. In the majority of cases, this is the inevitable consequence of failing to apply the tools and techniques of modern project decision-making, evaluation, financial planning, capital management and cash flow analysis when considering investment into new capital projects.
By the end of this programme you will be able to:
- The organization's investments in large capital-intensive projects will be safeguarded from the pitfalls that have caused substantial financial losses to many organizations due to inadequate project appraisal and financial risk mitigation strategies
- Proper cash-flow and sensitivity analyses will enable the organization to forecast and control potential future conditions that might jeopardize the chances of project success, thereby maximizing the organization's return on the capital invested in projects
- The emphasis given to financial evaluation in this seminar will empower staff to focus on achievement of the organization's overall strategic objectives rather than viewing projects in isolation
Training Methodology
Delegates will develop advanced financial analysis and cash flow management skills through formal and interactive learning methods. The program includes individual exercises, team projects, applicable case studies, group discussions and video material that will bring to life the skills acquired throughout the course.
The material has been designed to enable delegates to apply all of the material with immediate effect back at the office.
Additionally, the seminar does not assume prior knowledge of the topics covered in the course. New concepts and tools are introduced gradually to enable delegates to progress from the fundamental to the advanced concepts of asset-based financial engineering.
Personal Impact
- Participants will enhance their understanding of the time value of money, as well as learn how to use the basic tools of financial engineering such as Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, and Annual Worth calculations
- Participants will learn how to evaluate and compare various alternative solutions over differing time horizons
- Detailed explanations of the tools and techniques to determine and continuously monitor project feasibility, will enable participants to select projects with the best capital investment potential
- Participants will learn how to plan, structure and manage cash flows on their projects - the single most important forecasting and control element leading to project success
Organisational Impact
- The organization's investments in large capital-intensive projects will be safeguarded from the pitfalls that have caused substantial financial losses to many organizations due to inadequate project appraisal and financial risk mitigation strategies
- Application of sound project appraisal and quantification techniques will enable the organization to forecast and control potential future conditions that might jeopardize the chances of project success, thereby maximizing the organization's return on the capital invested in projects
- The emphasis given to decision analysis and economic evaluation in this seminar will empower staff to focus on achievement of the organization's overall strategic objectives rather than viewing projects in isolation
Fundamentals of Decision Analysis
Introduction to PM Decision Analysis
- What is Project Management Decision Analysis?
- The need for systematic PM Decision Analysis
- Risk and Uncertainty on projects
- Identifying all possible outcomes
- Identifying key decision-making factors
Measures of Project Profitability
Fundamental tools of engineering economics
Time Value of Money
- Simple and Compound Interest
- Interest rates
- Future value of a present sum
- Present value of a future sum
Appraisal Methods - Discounted Cash Flow Projections
Net Present Value Analysis (NPV)
Comparing Projects with Equal Lives
Comparing Projects with Unequal Lives
Time Equivalence
Rate of Return and the Cost of Capital
- Rate of Return Computations (IRR)
- Determining the Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
- IRR for a Single Project
- IRR for a Single Project Using Present Worth
- IRR for a Single Project Using Annual Worth
- Incremental Analysis
- Mutually Exclusive Projects
- Using IRR to Analyse Options with Different Lives
- Cost of Capital Computations
- The Cost of Debt Capital
- The Cost of Equity Capital
- Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC)
- Financial Gearing (Structuring)
- Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)
- Costs, Benefits, and Non-benefits
- Estimating the Benefit-Cost Ratio for a Single Project
- Comparing Mutually Exclusive Projects Using Incremental Benefit-Cost Ratios
- Estimating the Cost of Capital for a Project
- Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR)
Cash-Flow Modelling and Project Decision Analysis
Financial Modelling and Project Evaluation
- Fiscal Systems used in the oil and gas industries
- Royalty/Tax Contracts
- Production-Sharing Contracts
- Preparing Cash Flow Projections
- Accounting Years and Tax Years
- Capital Expenditures (CAPEX)
- Operating Expenditures (OPEX)
- Incremental Costs and Benefits
- Working Capital Requirements
- Forecasting Cash Flows
- How to Deal with Inflation
- Opportunity Costs and Sunk Costs
- Determining the Economic Life of a Project
- Relevant Cash Flows over Differing Time Horizons
- Tangible and Intangible Property
- Straight-Line Method
- Declining Balance Method
- Depreciation
- Amortization and Depletion
- Taxable Profit
- Capital Allowances
- Interest, Insurance and Tax Costs
- Taxation
- Assessing the Terminal (Salvage) Value of a Project
- Government Share
- Contractor Share
- Company Cash Flow
- Government Cash Flow
Decision Analysis: Expected Value Concept
Financial Project Risk Analysis
- Overview of the Risk Management Process
- Detailed Risk Quantification and Prioritisation
- Probabilistic Methods
- Expected Monetary Value Concepts
- Risk Quantification and Expected Monetary Value
- Scenario Planning
- Best case scenario
- Base case scenario
- Worst case scenario
- Decisions Under Conditions of Uncertainty
- Multiple Option Decisions
Basic Probability Concepts
Fundamental Probability Concepts
Definition of probability
Observations on the workings of probability
Probability 'rules'
- Addition rules and Multiplication rules
Detailed Risk Quantification and Prioritisation
Mutually Exclusive, Independent Events
Non-Mutually Exclusive, Independent Events
Summary and Formulation of Equations
Expanding the Data Set
Probability Applications
Decision Analysis: Decision Trees, Sensitivity Analysis and Simulation
- Decision Tree Analysis
- Decision Tree Analysis
- Developing Decision Trees
- Solving Decision Trees
- Software Tools
- Practical Application: Sensitivity Analysis and Simulation
- Overview
- Simulation Process
- Defining the Variables
- Calculating EMV
- Detailed Example of Simulation
- Modifying the Cash flow Model
Following attendance on this programme Certification with ILM requires you to complete an assessment as to how you are going to apply the knowledge gained on the programme to your area of responsibility.
You need to consider the modules and topics covered in the programme when developing your assessment.
- Identify a small project to undertake some form of Project Appraisal. An example might be something like considering purchasing a new photo-copying machine.
- Using an appropriate and relevant project appraisal method decide whether the project should proceed.
Course Location
About PetroTech
The adage that “knowledge” is power holds very true in this industry. In order to maximize results we are constantly updating and upgrading ourselves. This commitment to ongoing skills development is one of the reasons we are success, the belief that there is a “better way to do things” is what motivates us each and every day. By aligning with us you are going to benefit from our years of expertise in real world scenarios. Classroom learning is great but there is no substitute to real world experience which is what we are bringing to the table.
Billionaire investor Warren Buffett said “price is what you pay but quality is what you get” and that expression is very true. With use we understand that your time is very valuable and you only want the best and most current industry related knowledge which is what we bring to the table. Instead of giving you massive amounts of inaccurate or outdated information you get precisely what you want, the most current knowledge so you can make truly informed decisions that will directly impact productivity and your bottom line. When results are what you are looking for then the choice is clear, we are your partners in success.
Technology has revolutionized the way knowledge is disseminated in throughout the world, what use to take months or even years to reach the masses can be done in a few hours ! In order to remain relevant and viable we need to embrace innovations. The challenge with innovation is knowing when to implement it and what type of return you can expect from it. Instead of risking your time and resources we have the answers for you, Since we are at the vanguard of the industry whenever there is a fruitful innovation we will be there providing you with the information needed to make the right decision.
We understand you may have unique need so we provide a tailored made (bespoke for our U.K. friends) approach that will address your questions in the most conducive manner possible. Respect to us means putting your interests, your needs at the forefront of our mind. You will see how genuine we are and that you not just “some customer” you are our partner in success just as much as we are your partner in success. We firmly believe in the “golden rule”, treat others with graciousness, courtesy and respect. Come experience the difference that quality and respect makes and you will truly be amazed.
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