Course details
Managing Coaching for Success
"Today's new business environments demand a change in the traditional manager's role. Thus, managerial coaching in organisations has been perceived as an important function of managers for the development and growth of employees leading to performance improvement. Managerial coaching has been given considerable attention in management and leadership and has consistently shown to have an impact on the development of high-performance organisation".
- Prof Sattar Bawany (2015)
Creating a Coaching Culture: Leveraging on Corporate Coaching Skills
Today's knowledge economy has placed many managers in the position of providing leadership to employees who have more expertise in key business processes than they (the managers) do. As the amount of knowledge grows, managers are faced with increasing numbers of employees whom they must lead without an in-depth understanding of what these employees do. Managers need to let go of the traditional and out-dated practice of trying to be the expert—the person with the answers—and move to a position of enabling the learning of their employees and creating knowledge sharing both within their own teams and across the larger organisation.
Employees no longer expect company loyalty. Downsizing and layoffs have taught them otherwise. These events have also taught employees that they must be marketable at all times, and to be marketable they need to continually develop their skills and knowledge. Organisations that place an emphasis on development are more likely to both attract and retain talented employees, and at the same time build the critical capabilities the employees need to achieve business results in a continually VUCA driven business environment. As those closest to employees, managers play the critical role in facilitating this development.
The Importance of Managerial Coaching in a VUCA World
Today's disruptive, VUCA driven business environment demand a change in the traditional manager's role. Thus, managerial coaching in organisations has been perceived as an important function of managers for the development and growth of employees leading to performance improvement. Managerial coaching has been given considerable attention in management and leadership and has consistently shown to have an impact on the development of a high-performance organisation which is crucial for success in this new normal.
Managerial Coaching is about developing and maximising an individual employee's potential which will consequently impact positively on the organisation's performance. It is about more inquiry (ask) and less advocacy (tell) which means helping that individual to learn rather than teaching. Coaching sets out to embrace the employee as an individual and understands the organisational context in which the employee operates. It seeks to achieve alignment between the individual employee, team and organisational goals.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this Masterclass, the participant will be able to understand and leverage on a proven coaching framework, "G.R.O.W." to lead and engage their team of knowledge-driven professionals in a much more effective manner towards achieving continued success in a VUCA World.
The programme incorporates a number of unique features and works on a number of levels. It is specifically aimed at enhancing and developing the skills, knowledge and behaviours of the participants.
The participants will develop their understanding of Leadership Effectiveness and how it will lead to a creation of a sustainable competitive advantage for their respective organisations through the development of an organisational climate that will contribute towards enhancing employee engagement and productivity during challenging times when operating in a disruptive VUCA business environment.
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