Management Skills - Effective Communication for Managers Udemy
Price: AED 533
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

Dear (upcoming) Manager or Leader,

Are you seeing one or more of these things in your department or company?

- Deadlines missed, and tasks not accomplished
- Gossiping and rumors
- Lower Morale
- Uncertainty and doubt
- Reduced efficiency or productivity
- Higher Employee Turnover

Chances are that you, as a manager, are unknowingly an important contributor to this.
The top three reasons why people do not like their jobs and are less engaged are all communication-related. 

The biggest issue, a lack of direction from management, followed by poor communication overall, and constant change that is not well-communicated. (Source: 2014 survey Aboutcom)

So not communicating effectively as a manager or leader comes at a big cost.
But the good news is that you can learn to become better at this. 

In this comprehensive online management communication skill course, which you can follow at your own pace, I will provide you with the knowledge, the tools, and techniques to become more successful as a manager. 

The problem is that communication skills for managers and leaders are different from communication skills for the average person in the street. And most of us have never been properly trained for this.The mistakes we are making are not because we are bad managers or bad people. It's just that, in our education and in our companies, there is not a lot of focus on the development of these important management communication skills. 

However, perhaps the one personal skill that has the greatest impact on your own job satisfaction, promotion potential, and career success is your ability to communicate effectively with others.

By improving your communication skills at work, you increase your ability to achieve success, to have your successes noted, and to get yourself those promotions you deserve. 
Learn in this course how to engage in clear, two-way communication to convey information, ideas, and feelings. 

Discover how to choose and use the most appropriate words and tone for every business interaction. Adopt the right mindset for success. And take specific action steps to enable others to receive your messages positively.

We're going to look at:

  1. Know and Understand what the Sweet Spot for Employee Achievement is
  2. Understand the Influence of Positive Communication on Employee Performance
  3. Know How to Create a Secure Base for High Employee Performance
  4. Understand How to Become more Successful through Effective Management Delegation
  5. Know What and How to Communicate when you Delegate (Delegation Conversation Technique)
  6. Know and Understand the Different Levels of Freedom you can give when you Delegate
  7. Know How to Create Commitment when you Delegate
  8. Understand How to Effectively Communicate (difficult) Decisions
  9. Know What and How to Communicate when you announce a (difficult) Decision 
  10. Be able to Avoid and Overcome Employee Resistance 
  11. Know How and What to Communicate to Bend Employee Resistance 
  12. Understand Why and How to say "NO" to better Control Time and Priorities
  13. Know How and What to say when you say "No" 
  14. Understand the Importance of being Able to Admit your Mistakes 
  15. Know How and What to Say when you Admit a Mistake (Admitting a Mistake Conversation Technique)

Whether you have just been promoted to a managerial role, or you are simply looking to improve your leadership skills, most sources will tell you that the most important skill all managers need is good communication.

Your ability to communicate can make or break your career. 

I experienced communication difficulties with my first management job. I started out as a manager working with my former peers who were all much older and more experienced than me. I didn't know what to say or how to delegate, how to communicate decisions, how to say 'No' or how to admit mistakes. 

I needed to step up my game and so studied and researched how to do this. And I discovered the communication techniques that made my life as a manager much easier.
All that experience, knowledge, and information I have now put into this comprehensive and easy-to-follow management communication program. 

During the course, I will tell you exactly how to use different communication techniques and structures to become a better communicator and to achieve better results.
And after you have finished a specific module you can immediately apply it in practice, the same day, literally.

If you start to apply these techniques on a regular basis, then you will make them your own and become better at them. You'll start to become a leader who is getting things done easier than before. You will feel more confident and create more success because you have the skills and techniques to get your messages across. And this will not go unnoticed in the company. 

As mentioned before, these skills helped me a lot also in communicating with the employees I have managed over the last two decades. I have had several different management and leadership positions with several teams, within a very competitive IT market. 

I was, at a certain point, overseeing a business entity with a turnover of more than $150 million and the methods and techniques that I teach in this course worked there too.

Besides my practical knowledge and experience, I also hold a Bachelor Degree in Marketing (BA Hons), a Master's in Business Administration (MBA) and I'm a Certified Trainer of The Success Principles™ by Jack Canfield.  

My goal is to help (upcoming) managers like you to become more successful and effective in their jobs, in ways that benefit both the organization and employees. 

Talking about benefits, how will you benefit from this course?

If you implement the things you learn in this course this will lead to:

  • More personal confidence 
  • Being seen as more courageous and authoritative 
  • Being seen as clear and transparent
  • Better focus on your core tasks 
  • Better collaboration with your employees
  • Better employee alignment 
  • Improved staff morale
  • Improvements in efficiency/productivity
  • Higher employee satisfaction 
  • More loyal employees

I've trained 100s, literally 100's of managers and upcoming managers, in workshops, one-on-one meetings and on the internet. People say things like:

"This course was full of extremely useful information that I plan to incorporate it daily in my job and outside of my job as well. The information was clearly outlined and logically structured. The instructor was also very motivated about the topic and I look forward to going through his additional coaching course. I'd like to thank him for putting out this information as it will be extremely helpful in my future." - Gary G.

"This is a very practical and valuable course for anyone who is trying to improve their leadership and employee management skills. The lessons, concepts are clear and well presented. Highly recommended."  - Alex A

"It is easy to follow and understand. Clear and concise. Actually I already got some ideas forming in my mind and I know it will really help with our business and team."  - April V.

This course is like a "management workshop." We will walk through a step-by-step process, giving you high-quality successful communication skills and techniques. I have compressed all the knowledge into easy-to-apply steps.

Thank you so much for your interest in this course. I hope you're as excited as I am and, with our thirty-day 100% money back guarantee, there's no reason to hesitate.

Click the enroll button right now and we'll see you in lesson one to start learning about the 10 Biggest and most important communication mistakes managers make!

Start today!


Updated on 22 March, 2018
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