Course details
Welcome to Make Games in Minutes. This course will take you on an exciting journey into the world of game design. We will build games from scratch using the Clickteam Fusion 2.5 game development software (now available through a FREE download directly from the publisher). What's that you say? You don't have any coding experience? NO PROBLEM! You'll be amazed at how quickly you can add artwork, assets, and functionality to your game project WITH NO CODE. You can start with a blank new project and be up and running literally in minutes! The best part is: The Fusion 2.5 software is very intuitive and is designed with creatives in mind. Visual learners, visual designers (and anyone else for that matter) can easily program using Fusion's user-friendly interface. The simple, yet powerful point-and-click editor makes it incredibly easy to add complex game mechanics that would otherwise require lines and lines of hand-typed code. Forget about text editors and checking your syntax. Dive in and start making games in minutes!
What will I Learn in the Course?
You will be able to make a fully functional game from scratch without the need for code.
You will learn several useful game mechanics through short tutorial lessons (tutorial lessons can be as quick as 5 minutes and are never longer than 25 minutes).
You will learn how to import your own art creations into your games.
You will learn how to program game objects using collision detection, position detection, global and alterable values, etc. (It may sound challenging, but don't let that intimidate you. You'll be amazed at how quickly you can understand these concepts).
You will learn how to use the powerful Box2D Physics Engine in Fusion 2.5 which allows you to add gravity, friction, elasticity, etc. to your game objects.
You will learn how to add Gamepad support for your games.
You will learn how to test your game and build a playable version that you can share with the world!
You will learn how to export your game to HTML5 for deployment on the web! NOTE: Other formats are available (Windows, Android, iOS) but only HTML5 is available in the FREE edition of Fusion 2.5)
You will start developing the mind of a game developer. You'll be able to apply the logic associated with game development to future pursuits. If you ultimately want to learn how to code, this class is a great launching pad. You will be able to ease yourself into game design. Come on in! The water's fine!
Who is this Course Designed for?
Have you thought about designing your own game before but just didn't know where to start? Have you stopped your pursuit of game design due to the daunting task of learning code? Are you a talented artist or designer who has strong visual design skills, but coding just doesn't suit your creative style? Are you interested in learning code, but want to slowly work your way up to more challenging coding applications? If you answered YES (or even maybe) to any of these questions, THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU!
I'll admit, a few years ago, I answered YES to a few of the questions above. I'm a graphic artist and photographer by trade and I've invested years into graphic design and digital media applications. I started to take an interest in using my own illustrations in games. I took a look at a few game development apps and shrank back in horror when I first experienced the steep learning curve associated with code. I had nearly ten years of experience in graphic design at that time. Industry-leading design apps like Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign were no issue for me to learn. I'm largely self-taught when it comes to graphic design. I took very few formal classes. I figured tackling coding would be the same way.
But it wasn't.
I needed a bridge between graphic design and software development. I needed an app with powerful game design tools that would also cater to the creative graphic designer in me. Fusion 2.5 is that app. Now, I would like to share with you what I have learned! Join me as we remove the obstacles associated with coding and focus on making games using our creativity and passion for designing!
What Should I Know Before Taking the Course?
This course uses software that requires at least basic knowledge of the computer. If you want to have an easy time getting started, you should know:
Computer Basics (Finding and opening apps, managing app windows, closing apps, basic computer maintenance).
General use of the keyboard and mouse (click, double-click, right-click, dragging, drag and drop, modifier keys on the keyboard (Ctrl, Alt, Shift), using two or more keys in combination with each other (i.e. keyboard shortcuts), using keyboard keys together with the mouse).
General use of the internet (for finding and downloading the required software and/or assets from the publisher's website or through supplied links).
How to install new apps on the computer.
How to use the File Explorer to locate, save, open, and manage files and folders.
Let me say lastly, that, although making games in minutes is in the title, your primary goal in this class will be to overcome the obstacles associated with game design and learn how to turn your ideas and creativity into reality! (No matter what the clock says when you're done). Take your time, learn at your own pace, and most of all enjoy what you are creating!
Best Regards,
Riko An'twan
Updated on 31 May, 2018- Game Design for Beginner StudyHubUSD 13
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