Major Certification Programs (Transformation Workshops) Harvest Consultancy
Price: TBA

    Course details


    The program is a multi-phase approach to accelerate the achievement of business results in business units in different organizations through the development of a target group of managers. The leadership pipeline for your esteemed company begins with this population of newly promoted and newly recruited managers.

    The leadership and performance management skills that people use throughout their careers take root in this first management position. Companies that obtain consistent long term economic success ensure that there is a common foundation of performance management skills and knowledge. The development of a common vocabulary enables inpiduals to be more effective within their work unit and across boundaries – business, cultural, geographic etc.

    Program Objectives:

    The objectives of the program are for participants to:

    • Clearly understand the culture, common goals and model behaviors of organizations
    • Establish clear direction and alignment between people, functions, business unit, and the strategic direction of organizations
    • Acquire greater personal awareness and understanding of the impact of their leadership on others
    • Manage for performance excellence
    • Initiate and drive change and innovation in their departments
    • Inspire their teams/groups to their full potential
    • Share best practices

    Distinctive Features of the Program:

    The Program builds on management development that has been taking place in different companies, using many of the same models, processes and frameworks. At the same time, it uses a number of approaches that are distinctive and that tie the acquisition of skills and knowledge to immediate application and practice on the job.

    • The program has a strong business focus with the objective of impacting a participant’s current performance as well as preparing them for future roles
    • The four capabilities of External Focus, Innovation, People and Performance are woven into the fabric of the five Phases of the Manager Program.
    • Bsiness unit leaders are expected to be supportive, committed and involved in all phases of the process to ensure optimum benefit from the investment.
    • The Program is measured by on the job outcomes/applications using the principles of performance management and the processes
    • The Program design is flexible to meet the different emphasis for each business unit and to meet changing needs over time. The framework, structure and process is common to each program across all business units but the choice of speakers, content and input by the business unit focuses each program on the specific needs of that business unit.
    • Optional :A 360-degree process provides in-depth feedback to all participants.
    • The Program is not a one shot event. It is a process that lasts over the course of 6 – 12 months.
    • The Manager of the participant is involved from the very beginning.
    • The content is tied to on line support and coaching through the Harvest Manage Mentor to provide just in time learning.
    • Managers across organizations will be exposed to a consistent set of concepts and vocabulary, delivered at a uniformly high level that will build the foundation for Individual development and cross boundary teaming

    This program can be also performed in only 3 phases by putting Phase 2 And Phase 4 together in 5 days workshop

    Main Topics:

    Reflection ,introduction to leading for result ,EI ,Role ,Feedback .

    Phase II

    learning style, Strategic and tactical coaching/4S ,Objectives and delegation, Alignment and influencing ,performance improvement ,Individual leadership ,organizational leadership ,planning for development ,Action planning.

    Phase IV

    Learning from experience ,team development and resource allocation , managing conflict ,Moral and motivation ,interviewing ,Problem solving ,drilars and challenge of change ,action planning

    Updated on 08 November, 2015

    About Harvest Consultancy

    They are a regional established certified LTD company Main office in Cairo, expanding its services to the ME countries. They are Currently in the process of Establishing our new office in the United States. 

    Our activities are focused in 8 main directions: 

    1. Learning and Development. 
    2. Harvest Business Academy "HBA". 
    3. Recruitment and Interviewing Process. 
    4. Harvest Center for Performance Assessment. 
    5. HR, Marketing and Management Consultancy. 
    6. Loyalty Programs. 
    7. Societal activities Harvest Scholarships etc...
    8. Data Integration

    In addition to our main activities They are working in: 

    • Marketing of pharmaceutical and Para-pharmaceutical products. 
    • Integrated Marketing Services (Designs, promotional materials printing, Theyb design, event management, gimmicks etc…in collaboration with Infinity Group. 
    • Vocational and technical pharmaceutical & medical issues (New expansion). 
    • Data integration through virtualization and automation
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