Course details
Through this Machine Learning course, you will learn how to process, clean, visualize and analyse data by using Python, one of the most popular machine learning tools.
- After a broad overview of the discipline's most common techniques and applications, you'll gain more insight into the assessment and training of different machine learning models.
- The rest of the course is dedicated to a first reconnaissance with three of the most basic machine learning tasks: classification,
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Course details
Through this Machine Learning course, you will learn how to process, clean, visualize and analyse data by using Python, one of the most popular machine learning tools.
- After a broad overview of the discipline's most common techniques and applications, you'll gain more insight into the assessment and training of different machine learning models.
- The rest of the course is dedicated to a first reconnaissance with three of the most basic machine learning tasks: classification, regression and clustering.
Introduction to Data Science- What is data science and why is it so important?
- Applications of data science
- Various data science tools
- Data Science project methodology
- Tool of choice-Python: what & why?
- Case study
Introduction to Python- Installation of Python framework and packages: Anaconda & pip
- Writing/Running python programs using Spyder Command Prompt
- Working with Jupyter notebooks
- Creating Python variables
- Numeric , string and logical operations
- Data containers : Lists , Dictionaries, Tuples & sets
- Practice assignment
Iterative Operations & Functions in Python- Writing for loops in Python
- While loops and conditional blocks
- List/Dictionary comprehensions with loops
- Writing your own functions in Python
- Writing your own classes and functions
- Practice assignment
Data summary & visualization in Python- Need for data summary & visualization
- Summarizing numeric data in pandas
- Summarizing categorical data
- Group wise summary of mixed data
- Basics of visualization with ggplot & Sea born
- Inferential visualization with Sea born
- Visual summary of different data combinations
- Practice assignment
Data Handling in Python using NumPy & Pandas- Introduction to NumPy arrays, functions & properties
- Introduction to Pandas & data frames
- Importing and exporting external data in Python
- Feature engineering using Python
Machine Learning in Python Machine Learning Basics- Converting business problems to data problems
- Understanding supervised and unsupervised learning with examples
- Understanding biases associated with any machine learning algorithm
- Ways of reducing bias and increasing generalization capabilities
- Drivers of machine learning algorithms
- Cost functions
- Brief introduction to gradient descent
- Importance of model validation
- Methods of model validation
- Cross validation & average error
Generalized Linear Models in Python- Linear Regression
- Regularization of Generalized Linear Models
- Ridge and Lasso Regression
- Logistic Regression
- Methods of threshold determination and performance measures for classification score models
- Case Study
Tree Models using Python- Introduction to decision trees
- Tuning tree size with cross validation
- Introduction to bagging algorithm
- Random Forests
- Grid search and randomized grid search Extra Trees (Extremely Randomized Trees)
- Partial dependence plots
- Case Study & Assignment
Support Vector Machines (SVM) & kNN in Python- Introduction to idea of observation based learning
- Distances and similarities
- k Nearest Neighbors (kNN) for classification
- Brief mathematical background on SVM/li>
- Regression with kNN & SVM
- Case Study
Unsupervised learning in Python- Need for dimensionality reduction
- Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
- Difference between PCAs and Latent Factors
- Factor Analysis
- Hierarchical, K-means & DBSCAN Clustering
- Case study
Artificial Neural Networks in Python- Introduction to Neural Networks
- Single layer neural network
- Multiple layer Neural network
- Back propagation Algorithm
- Neural Networks Implementation in Python
- Case study
Updated on 20 July, 2020 - Read LessAbout CLS Learn
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