Udemy Linux Command Tutorials with Examples & Explanations Udemy
Price: AED 11,754

    Course details

    Easy way to learn basic most important 101 commands in Linux Administration using various examples from real IT Environment.

    Course contents

    1. Understanding Unix/Linux File system Structure
    2. Identifying Linux File types & permissions
    3. Linux Commands tutorials on File Management
    4. Linux Commands tutorial on Communication
    5. Linux Commands tutorials on Searching
    6. Linux Commands tutorials on System Status
    7. Linux Commands tutorials on Text Processing
    8. Linux Commands tutorials on Archives & Storage
    9. Linux Commands tutorials on Users Administration
    10. Linux Commands tutorials on File Systems
    11. Linux Commands tutorials on System Information
    12. Linux Commands tutorials on Network Configuration & troubleshooting commands
    13. Linux commands tutorial on Service Status
    14. Linux commands tutorial on Logical Volume Manager
    15. Miscellaneous commands

    Commands we discussed in this course modules are as follows

    1. pwd, cd, ls, less, cp, file mkdir. more. mv, cat, rm rmdir, wc, dd, head, tail, touch, ln etc

    2. dig, nslookup, rsync, scp, ssh, sftp, find, grep, locate, df, du, lsof, ps, top, who,cut, sort, vi, sed, awk, tar, gzip, bzip2 etc

    3. useradd, userdel, usermod, groupadd, groupdel, id, chage, chroot, chown etc

    4. mount, umount, fdisk, mkfs, fsck,/proc, uptime etc

    5. ping, nslookup, telnet, ifconfig, ifconfig-a, netstat -a etc

    6. chkconfig --list, chkconfig name --list, chkconfig name on/off, service name status, service name stop/start, runlevel, who -r, systemctl -at service, systemctl -t service --state=active, systemctl start name.service, systemctl enable name.service  etc

    7.pvs, vgs, pvdisplay,lvs, lvdisplay, pvcreate, pvremove, vgcreate, vgrename, vgremove, vgextend, vgreduce, lvcreate, lvextend, lvreduce,fdisk, vgexport, vgimport, vgcfgrestore, vgcfgbakcup, watch, whoami, passwd, su etc

    Additional Commands

    1. Fuser commands with explaination
    2. pstree
    3. vmstat
    4. yum
    5. hostname
    6. wget
    7. host
    8. ethtool
    9. kill commands
    10. program &
    11. bg
    12. ps
    13. tcpdump
    14. dmesg
    15. cat /etc/proc
    Updated on 22 March, 2018
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