Life Drawing and Portfolio Production Blackrock Further Education Institute - BFEI
Price: AED 1,083

    Course details

    Through the ages artists have interpreted the human form through the medium of painting, drawing and sculpture.

    The Life Drawing and Portfolio course is an introduction to the art of capturing the human form. The course aims to develop the student’s creative and technical skills through life drawing, sketching and lino and mono printing.

    A model will attend for six weeks of practical life drawing classes. The class schedule includes three visits to art galleries - the aim of which is to develop students' interest and appreciation of art. These visits will take place on Saturday mornings on dates to be advised by the tutor.

    Students are required to purchase the following items prior to attendance at class:

    • Spiral A3 Sketch Book
    • 2B Pencil

    Some additional inexpensive items will be required - your tutor will advise in the first class.

    Updated on 08 November, 2015

    About Blackrock Further Education Institute - BFEI

    they are pleased to announce that after many years of planning,construction has been completed, in Blackrock village, of a new state-of-the-art building for Senior College Dun Laoghaire.   
    BFEI is one of Ireland’s largest Further Education Colleges with a current enrolment of 870 full time students and 200 part time students. BFEI offers an excellent range of professional career cTheirses in Business, Community and Emergency Care, Information Technology, Design, Beauty & Complementary Therapies and Theatrical Media Make Up.
    Graduates enjoy professional qualifications certified and accredited by nationally and internationally recognised examining and professional bodies.
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