Course details
over 1000 students enrolled students in 1 week!!
With millions of websites out there, a serious person can do anything (including paying more money) just to make their website stand out of the rest and in order to give them this satisfaction we need to speak 3D!
3D is taking over today`s world from cinemas, homes and virtual printing, people seem to love and embrace it everyday. Research shows that a human eye is easily attracted to 3D meaning a website with… + Read More
Course details
over 1000 students enrolled students in 1 week!!
With millions of websites out there, a serious person can do anything (including paying more money) just to make their website stand out of the rest and in order to give them this satisfaction we need to speak 3D!
3D is taking over today`s world from cinemas, homes and virtual printing, people seem to love and embrace it everyday. Research shows that a human eye is easily attracted to 3D meaning a website with 3D effects will definitely sell and attract people!
In this course, you will learn how to easily design a website with amazing 3D effects and give your clients a reason to pay you more!
Never done 3D before? Do not worry, you will be taught using a step by step practical demonstration approach (learn by doing) meaning that 3D/Flash knowledge is not a pre-requisite for this course.
What are the requirements for the course?
1)Computer/Laptop for you to be able to follow the steps shown and make your own projects
2)Internet connection to download necessary software
3)Basic computer knowledge you will need to at least know how to point and click
As a bonus, you will learn how to convert a normal image into 3D anaglyph that will pop out of the screen if viewed using glasses!
Let's get started!
Updated on 30 December, 2017 - Read Less