Course details
This course is a complete 101 for learning the art of boxing, we cover all aspects including the basic stance and footwork, punch techniques, defense, counter-attacks and basic to advanced attack combinations.
At London Combat Club we train students from all different walks of life - our students want to study boxing for a variety of reasons including;
- to learn self defense
- to get fitter and stronger
- to develop discipline and focus
In this course we provide a detailed, step by step and progressive series of video tutorials, designed to get you moving like a boxer as quickly as possible - you'll carry these skills for life and instantly feel more confident knowing you can handle yourself.
In each lecture we first explain the purpose of what we are about to show you and then demonstrate it, including multi-angle and slow motion replays so you can see the exact movements. We instruct a live student whilst correcting their technique, so you can see what to look out for when practising.
The course is comprised of 14 sessions. You should take your time to really get to grips with each one and practise them over and over until it becomes habit.
Go ahead and check out our free to watch introduction lesson - you won't look back!
Updated on 30 December, 2017