Udemy Learn Project Management Techniques for Work and Home Udemy
Price: USD 20

    Course details

    Project Management Techniques for Work and Home provides students, small business owners, and others an understand of how the project management process works, how to apply the processes to work and how to incorporate them into their personal projects. The course also provides individuals with insight into how a Project Manager thinks which will help advance your career. The lectures take the student through the Project Management Process with an emphasis on how the process can be used to manage efficiently home projects and help individuals perform well in project meetings. First an understanding of the importance of Project Management and overall process are presented. This is followed by details of each part of the process. Each section concludes with a summary of what was presented along with insights into what Project Mangers expect. The course ends with examples of work and home applications of the techniques.

    Updated on 22 March, 2018
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