Course details

So you love taking photographs? Perhaps you're starting out on your journey of being an inspired photographer? But frankly, you feel you suck. You just don't get it. Or maybe there's something missing in the photos you shoot. They are....okay. But you want better. That is where the Still Journeying Photography Encounter Home Study Course comes in.

The still journeying Course was written as a response to the question of " what makes a good image?. For the last decade I have been working on this question, developing my shooting style in a range of conditions and locations. In this workbook I have captured the concepts, techniques and ideas which I think will take your photos from "oh no to "oh wow.

You'll find the course split into 12 different sections. Each section has a video where I explain to you the related topic. I have also created a workbook which supports the videos, and aids in your learning. This workbook has sections for you to write notes, solidifying your learnings from the videos and practical exercises you are asked to complete.

So what you'll find in the course are the following chapters:

  • Why are you?
  • What do you want to learn?
  • Composition
  • What makes a bad image?
  • What makes a good image?
  • Applying you skills
  • What are you passionate about
  • Capturing the moment
  • Just do it!
  • Reviewing you work
  • What have we learned
Updated on 30 December, 2017
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