Udemy Learn Fantastic French with Kieran - Level 1 - Part 1 Udemy
Price: AED 220

    Course details

    If you've tried learning French before and haven't succeeded, well this course is for you.

    There is nothing as thrilling as being able to visit another country and communicate with the locals in their own language. Well, now you can experience that amazing feeling too!

    This course gives tried and tested, high quality French tuition broken down into 9 easy lessons. You'll go from a complete beginner to speaking more of the language than somebody who has been studying it for years!

    This is the first part of my French level 1 courses and is suitable for everybody, no matter what your starting level. I wrote the course assuming you know absolutely nothing about the French language. Even if you've studied the language before, I recommend you commence with this course, as you will definitely learn things you didn't know before.

    This course gives you a very useful base vocabulary and shows you how to build your own sentences to impress the locals when you're on holiday abroad.

    You'll not only get video tutorials, but you'll also get videos where you can practise what you've learnt, videos giving you useful learning techniques and a range of downloadable PDFs that will give you an enormous vocabulary as well as a set of reference sheets explaining the more complex ideas.

    Updated on 08 March, 2016
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