Udemy Learn AWS Simply with Practicals and Cost Effective Way Udemy
Price: AED 21,155
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

Q. Are you looking for learning AWS or Cloud Computing?
Q. Looking forward for one place where you can get the quality content and can understand the concept in real with similar to liveenvironment?
Q. Confused where should I go?
Q. Also, can put some effort and like to learn by Watching practical based tutorial?

If your answer is Yes to all these questions, you are at right place go through the Course and you will be an AWS Guru after doing this completely.

After covering both Modules, you can Go for Global Certification AWS Solution Architect Associate 2018.

This course cover all major services for AWS Solution Architect Associate such as Cloud Introduction, EC2, EBS, Load Balancing and Auto Scaling Route 53,S3, VPC, RDS, Application Services and Best practices for AWS which includes Billing, Calculator in details.

Important Tip - Here is that watch video completely, do practically by using Free Tier Account.

Use Coupon Code (CLOUDLEARNINGOPN),or click on below link to get the course at best price of 640.

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Course Outline

Introduction to Cloud Computing and AWS (Lets Start)

  1. Course Introduction
  2. How to setup your free tier account in AWS (Lab)
  3. What is Cloud Computing all About
  4. Introduction to AWS and its Services
  5. What you need to know to do to be an AWS Solution Architect Associate
  6. Exam Practice Questions

EC2 - Manage your Virtual Servers, Host your Website

  1. How to Launch your first Linux Server (EC2 Instance) in AWS (Lab)
  2. How to host a website in Ubuntu Server (Lab)
  3. How to Launch Windows Server (Lab)
  4. Security Group, Placement Group, Key Pair, Volumes, Snapshot and AMI
  5. How to create an AMI of an EC2 Instance (Lab)
  6. How to do Backup / Restore of an EC2 instance (Snapshot A must know) (Lab)
  7. Exam Practice Questions

EC2 - Load Balancing and Auto Scaling

  1. What is Load Balancer and Auto Scaling in AWS
  2. Load Balancer Lab
  3. Auto Scaling Lab
  4. Exam Practice Questions

EBS - How Storage works in AWS

  1. What is EBS and how to use it in AWS
  2. How to Add / Remove a Disk/Volume Disk in a Server (Lab)
  3. How to increase the size of a Disk/Volume of a Server (Lab)
  4. Lets Test EBS Understanding (Quiz)

Route 53 - Host and Manage your website and Apps

  1. AWS Route 53 Service Overview
  2. How to register a domain via Route53 (Lab)
  3. How to map your custom Domain or Website with EC2 instance (Lab)
  4. How to attach Load Balancer URL with your Domain (Lab)
  5. Exam Practice Questions

S3- Storage Solution in AWS

  1. S3 - Important Topics and Exam Tips
  2. How to create S3 Bucket and its options (Lab)
  3. How Versioning Works in S3 (Lab)
  4. S3 - Cross Region Replication (Lab)
  5. S3 - Lab for Life Cycle Rules (Lab)
  6. S3 - How to Store a Static Website in AWS (Lab)
  7. S3 - Transfer Acceleration (Lab)
  8. Exam Practice Questions

IAM -Manage Access for your AWS Resources use

  1. Introduction to AWS IAM
  2. AWS IAM - What is Policies and why this is Important (Lab)
  3. AWS IAM - Create Users, Group and how to assign policies to them (Lab)
  4. AWS IAM - What is Role and how it works (Lab)
  5. AWS IAM - User Login Demo (Lab)
  6. AWS IAM - Account Policy, credential report and Identity providers
  7. AWS CLI - How to connect AWS via CLI (Lab)
  8. Exam Practice Questions

VPC - Create your Organization Isolated Network in AWS

  1. Introduction to VPC and their Important Terms
  2. Create your first VPC using Wizard (Lab)
  3. Setup your VPC, Subnet, Route Table and Internet Gateway manually (Lab)
  4. Create your Nat Gateway for Internet Connectivity to Private Instance (Lab)
  5. Launch and Test EC2 instances in Public and Private Subnet (Lab)
  6. Security Groups and Network ACL
  7. VPC Peering
  8. Exam Practice Questions

Database Services in AWS

  1. RDS - Create an MySQL RDS Instance
  2. Exam Practice Questions

Application Services in AWS

1. Introduction to Cloud Formation (Lab)
2. AWS Cloud Front (Lab)
3. SNS (Simple Notification Service) - Demo
4. SES (Simple Email Service) - Marketing tool in AWS
5. Exam Practice Questions

Wish you all the best... Keep Learning and Keep Rocking.....

Updated on 14 November, 2018
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