Udemy Learn Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional 2017 Udemy
Price: AED 367

    Course details

    Construction projects would typically use a software that would analyze and design structural members with the objective of satisfying the client's expectations in addition to satisfying the building and design codes of minimum requirements. Recently, the design and analysis was improved through the usage of Building Information Modeling (BIM) tools that facilitates updated information and ultimate coordination between all the relevant stakeholders. Being able to use a BIM tool for structural analysis is currently a huge trend in the construction industry.

    Autodesk which is known for producing highly esteemed design related software has lately presented a highly credible software known as Robot Structural Analysis Professional 2017. This software proved to be one of the best BIM tools through securing a simple, easy and effective way to conduct the structural analysis and design.

    This course aims to preview the basics of using Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional 2017 in the most simple and straightforward manner. This course covers the project startup configuration, inserting & modifying structural elements, modeling structures in both plan and 3D views, inserting & modifying steel trusses, inserting & modifying steel connections, creating & assigning load in addition to exploring a variety of functions such as copying, moving, mirroring and rotating structural elements.

    This course is suitable for students, industry professionals and academics that are involved in the structural engineering design domains. Additionally, this course would be very beneficial to any individual willing to pursue a career related to Building Information Modeling.

    This course is built to engage the learner and create a student centred approach through a range of exercises covering all the topics in the course. The videos and exercises will be continuously updated to provide the student with the most up to date skills and knowledge.

    Other Great Features

    Request an UNLIMITED number of explanation videos request to improve your knowledge and ability to use Robot Structural Analysis Professional 2017 ! - For example, you can request something like "show me how to create a concrete wall that features an opening" or "How can I export the file to another format"

    30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE ! - Test out this course and get your money back if you do not like what you got …

    Thanks for visiting and I will be waiting for you inside the course !

    CONTENT WILL BE UPDATED SOON ! - This content will be accessible if you join now before I raise the price of the course. 

    Updated on 22 March, 2018
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