Course details

The ManagementWorks Lean Business Programme is already helping dozens of businesses in Ireland to reap the benefits of lean business tools and lean thinking. We use a proven combination of training and on-site mentoring to help you and your team members to understand lean, build lean skill sets within your business, and deliver one or more lean improvement projects from start to finish. This heavily subsidised programme is delivered by leading lean practitioners and trainers – ETAC Solutions.


Adopting lean tools and techniques is a new approach to business that is being embraced by an increasing number of manufacturing and services companies both nationally and around the world. Why? Because it is delivering serious competitive advantage to companies who engage in the process. Previous participants on our programmes are using lean to deliver measureable improvements across a wide range of business outcomes, including improved cash flow, productivity, waste reduction, lead times, employee engagement, quality and customer service. By participating in this programme, you and your team members will:

  • Develop a clear understanding and practical knowledge of the tools and practices underpinning lean
  • Identify and deliver a project or suite of projects that will provide meaningful and measureable improvements for your business
  • Gain the knowledge, skills and confidence to be able to apply lean principles, tools and techniques to other projects within your business
  • Acquire QQI (formerly FETAC) certification at Level 6 on the National Qualifications Framework

Who should attend?

Any manufacturing or service company where efficiency is a critical factor in success. Participants can be operators, supervisors and/or managers. We will work with you to select a team of up to three participants from your company. Each participant will deliver a worthwhile project in their area of the business.

Workshop Training Programme

Places limited to 4 companies with up to 3 participants per business.

Workshop 1

Lean Thinking, Simulation, Process measurement, Value, Standard Work

Workshop 2

Improvement Cycles (8-steps), Workplace organisation & visualization

Workshop 3

Lean Material Systems, Value Stream Mapping

Workshop 4

Quick Changeovers, Kaizen events, Quality, Mistake-Proofing, Layout

Workshop 5

Presentation and Awards

The workshop content will be delivered mostly through the usage of individual and group practical exercises as well as group discussions. You will be asked to work on real issues involving you and your business. You will be encouraged as much as possible to share and pool experiences and skills. This way, you will benefit from as many 'real life' experiences as possible, and the collective skill in the room — not just the workshop leader.

Mentoring Support Plan

Places limited to 3 participants per business.

Phase 1: Initial meeting in advance of first group workshop (one half-day)

Meet owner / key managers in the company to scope out the Project

Phase 2: Assemble project team (one half-day)

Prepare project business cases and involve Finance

Phase 3: Deliver Project (four half-days)

Weekly coaching on project progress

Phase 4: Project Closure (one half-day)

Implement training, standardisation, monitoring & prevention.

Phase 5: Presentation (one half-day)

Complete assignment with a team presentation to the management team.

At the outset of the programme, you will be asked to complete a 'project charter' for your chosen process for lean improvement. This charter will outline a problem statement, the opportunity, the target, the project scope, a project timeline and the team and resources required. The mentoring will help you to refine your project charter and this will become the terms of reference for your project over the duration of the programme.

Updated on 08 November, 2015
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