Leadership & People Management Develop Self Organisational Development Concepts Pte Ltd
Price: SGD 589

    Course details


    ‘Develop Self’ is a learning programme that addresses the skills and knowledge required to model personal effectiveness as a team leader, and to facilitate personal and professional development of leaders. This course is conducted by SeraphCorp Institute (Program Partner).

    Learning Outcomes

    The learning program focuses on three core competencies of leadership:

    • Communicate Effectively
    • Lead team decision making
    • Develop and maintain professional competence

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    About Organisational Development Concepts Pte Ltd

    We_The was established by a team of professionals passionate on OD who saw the increasing demand for customised training intervention, and the increasing need of a one stop provider. 

    The We_The management team have more than 47 years experience in the OD and HRD fields. Together with its in-house management consultant and a team of 80 associate trainers as well as subject matter experts in various fields, we are here to serve and support your organizations developmental needs.

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