Course details

Bonjour !

The course you are about to watch will lead you to master the french tense "Le pass©-compos©".

This course is complete and talks about everything related to the pass©-compos©, from most simple rules to more advanced ones. In order for you to test what you are learning, you'll be able to take a quizz in each section. Furtermore, a PDF with exercices is downloadable in each section.

Le pass©-compos© Express counts 8 sections, which some are divided in different classes. This course follows a logical learning program and is made with videos only, that will motivate you to follow it.

This course has as a goal to make the participe pass© easy to understand in a quick way. You should be able to finalize it in 45 to 60 minutes, without counting the extra downloadable material.

As the best way to learn a language is by immersion, this course will be given in french. Don't worry about not understanding, every important is transcripted in the video, which will make you understand the audio part and satisfy you to see that you are able to understand french even in explanations.

Updated on 30 December, 2017
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