Indepth Research Services Managing Tenders, Specifications & Contracts Indepth Research Services
Price: KES 119,138

Course details

This highly interactive IRES Managing Tenders, Specifications & Contracts training seminar considers how your organization can identify and use the most appropriate procurement strategy and discusses best practice in developing tender documentation, criteria and evaluation. This IRES training course focuses on how best to deal with key contractual liability issues to minimize the risk exposure to your organization from cost and time overruns. This IRES Managing Tenders, Specifications & Contracts training course also provides tools, tips and techniques on effective resolution of disputes to minimize cost and reputational risk exposure to your organization.

5 Days

Tendering and Procurement Personnel
Project and Contract professionals
Sales and Marketing Professionals
Project Management Professionals

At the end of the course participants will be able to:
Broadening your knowledge of a variety of procurement strategies
Enhancing your knowledge of best practice in producing tender documentation
Extending your understanding of key risk areas and their management
Improving your knowledge of contract and relationship management
Developing your knowledge of monitoring and managing performance failures
Boosting your confidence in dealing with contractual issues and disputes
Procurement Strategies and Best Practice
Developing Tenders and Specifications
Key Elements of the Contract
Managing Change and Performance Failures
Contract Claims and Completion

The instructor led trainings are delivered using a blended learning approach and comprises of presentations, guided sessions of practical exercise, web based tutorials and group work. Our facilitators are seasoned industry experts with years of experience, working as professional and trainers in these fields.
All facilitation and course materials will be offered in English. The participants should be reasonably proficient in English.
Updated on 23 January, 2019

About Indepth Research Services

Indepth Research Services (IRES) is a global institutional capacity building, technical and management consultancy firm with its head office in Nairobi, Kenya.

We offer technical and management consultancy services as well as education and training services designed for individuals’ and groups from organizations working in public, not for profit and private sectors. 

IRES Kenya has identified itself with a niche market that largely comprises of Government ministries, departments and agencies (MDA’s) and UN agencies, Non-Governmental Organizations, from Africa, Europe, Asia, Middle-East and the Caribbean. We have also served academic institutions, international research organizations, financial institutions and private companies from across the globe. As at 2018 we offer our services in more than 15 locations globally.

Our technical and management consultancy services are in the areas of Agriculture, Education, Energy, Oil and gas, Health, Environment and natural resources, ICT for development, spatial planning, Governance, Management and leadership, communication, transport, revenue management, marketing development and environment among others.

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